Honors & College Prep I AMSTUD HOW DO I DECIDE? What’s The Diff?
When making your decision. . . Consider TIME MANAGEMENT – How much time do you have to put into extra work each term? The difference may not seem extraordinary on paper, but each term you will feel the additional requirements of honors. If you cannot commit the time, then the honors level may not be for you. Your desire and ability at this time to read through several difficult types of literature, documents, and historical articles. If you HATE to read, why torture yourself? We are all about s-t-r-e-t-c-h-I-n-g, but you need to be realistic with your own skill set. You cannot go back once you decide on honors. Once you choose honors, you are in honors for at least this whole term (semester). You will need administrative approval to change after that.
Honors v. College Prep I English Requirements: What is the same? 4 Independent Reading Books for English part A formal paper on each of these outside reading books Additional reflections each semester More pages required for author paper Usage tests are not scaled for honors. Reflections – just amount is different All tests and in-class assignments are the same. Same vocabulary lessons
Honors v. College I Prep (history side of things) Different history textbook (still to be determined). Each term students will have an extra set of historical readings that are available on line or as handouts. Students will have one extra historical thesis paper (usually document-based) per term. Tests for honors will vary from college prep. There often will be an extra section. There will be questions on additional material that we may not have necessarily reviewed directly in class. Research paper – more sources and more pages to write. What Is The Same? In class work, group work, small projects – same. Debates – same grading system Still required to do a research paper. Tests are mostly open responses and essays – just like honors Both levels will read many primary sources.