Digestion IGCSE
State what is meant by the term balanced diet and describe a balanced diet related to age, sex and activity of an individual. Diet: food an animal eats each day Balanced diet: is a diet which provides the right amount of energy and nutrients (in suitable proportions). Food pyramid (suitable proportions): Your diet should be determined by three main factors: Age, Sex & Activity
Describe the effects of malnutrition in relation to starvation, coronary heart disease, constipation and obesity. Malnutrition is a condition where certain nutrients of a balanced diet are missing, in excess, or taken in the wrong proportions. E.g. Overconsumption of fatty foods is an example of malnutrition. Lack of Protein ~ Kwashiorkor Starvation Starvation is a pretty common concept that we are all familiar with. This is a problem occurring in many developing countries, where starvation occurs when a person has a severe deficiency of energy, nutrient and vitamin intake. Approximately 6 million people a year die of hunger. Coronary heart disease ‘Developed world’ problem related to over-abundance of food intake. Coronary heart disease ~ over-abundance of fatty foods, which causes cholesterol and “bad” things to deposit and form deposits in arteries (heart muscles), making them work harder / be under stress and possible fail resulting in a heart attack. An example of malnutrition isn’t necessarily the typical African child who is starving. That is ONE example of malnutrition. The obese person who eats McDonalds 7 meals a week, 3 meals a day is also suffering from malnutrition.
Describe the effects of malnutrition in relation to starvation, coronary heart disease, constipation and obesity. Constipation Constipation occurs when one finds it difficult to …..Let’s say….relieve oneself. Bowel movements are obstructed. Common causes Lack of fibre & water intake Obesity A person is considered obese if their body weight is 20% above the standard body weight. Again, this is a problem that is more often seen in Developed Countries, where an over-abundance of food intake is the problem. An over-abundance of calorie intake, increased dependence on fast food and sugary foods have accelerated the number of obese people.
Malnutrition Condition caused when the body does not get the right amount of nutrients. Can be overnutrition or undernutrition Obesity Undernutrition – e.g. lacking a particular nutrient, e.g. vitamin C scurvy. Bangladesh story. Main type of malnutrition we think of when the word is mentioned is PEM
Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) Caused by a diet that lacks sufficient sources of protein and/or energy Causes of Protein Energy Malnutrition The following are the most important factors responsible: i. Inadequate diet. Inadequacy of dietary intake may be due to several reasons such as: a. Low purchasing power; inappropriate choice of foods; non-availability of foods. b. Prolonged breastfeeding, late introduction of supplementary foods. c. Diarrhea and intestinal parasitism in children due to unhygienic feeding habits. d. Shortening the period of breastfeeding without satisfactory supplements. ii. Lack of knowledge. Ignorance of the requirements of a growing child and the improper use of available resources. iii. Traditions, Customs-and-Beliefs Aare often responsible for certain food habits. Even child-rearing practices in the rural areas (ignorant older girls in the family are given charge of looking after the young infant) are responsible for this deficiency. 17/09/2018
Kwashiorkor primarily because of protein deficiency. It causes fluid retention (edema); dry, peeling skin; and hair discoloration. 17/09/2018
Marasmus Primarily caused by energy deficiency Causes stunted growth and wasting of muscle and tissue.