PP Lessons Term 2, 2016 Lesson 5
Feeling Worried Body Signs What makes me worried? How do you know I’m worried? How do others know I’m worried? Review Worried Body Signs: Pale face, head ache, dry mouth – licking lips, wanting to drink a lot of water, “frog in throat”, dry throat, trembling lip, varied/croaky speech tone, speech errors, voice tremor, talking more/faster, holding/gasping breath, unable to concentrate, confused, mood swings/emotional, shortening of breath, breaking out in cold sweat, sweaty palms, sweaty armpits, heart racing/pounding, visible high pulse in neck or crossed legs, tense muscles, clenched hands or arms, jerky movements, irritable, restless, stiff, pain in neck/shoulders, crossing arms/legs, (drawing in of limbs), muscle spasms, diarrhoea, irritable bowel, wanting to go to the toilet frequently, lacking energy, not hungry, difficulty sleeping.
WILF I can tell Worried FIBS by using my Strength Bar Lesson 4 WALT learn about FIBS Recognise different Intensities of “worried” Feelings Recognise our Body signs are associated with feeling that way Recognise Situations that make us feel this way WILF I can tell Worried FIBS by using my Strength Bar FIBS stands for Feelings, Intensity, Body Signs and Situation. In this case the feeling is Worried
The Feeling Worried Strength Bar Here is a picture of the Feeling Worried Strength Bar. Like the energy bars in computer games it goes from red, to orange, to yellow, to green and to dark green. When we have a good feeling we are in the green zone. If we are feeling calm and relaxed we are in the green zone as this is a good and helpful feeling. This week we are talking about feeling worried. Since it does not feel so good when we are worried we fall into the red zone. Who can tell me how worried someone feels when they are a red 4 on the feeling worried strength bar? A red 4 means they are felling very worried. How about when we fell just “a bit worried”, what number is that on the strength bar? (1) And how about when we feel “pretty worried”? (3). When we are just feeling “worried”, we are number 2.
How worried are the bears? Very Worried Relaxed Very Relaxed Worried OK Discussing each bear discuss: How worried is the bear? (Intensity) How do you know (Body Signs) Draw lines from the bear to the number/colour on the strength bar Can you think of situations when you are feeling this worried?
How worried is Adam? Adam can’t do his homework Very worried worried OK relaxed Very relaxed Adam can’t do his homework Adam’s mum is in hospital Discuss each of the 4 scenarios After each one discuss: 1. How worried does Adam feel? How do we know (Body signs), highlight different intensities of worried depending upon the situation Adam is in 2. How worried would you feel in the same situation? (children could be given post it notes with their name on it and invited to come to board to stick their note on where they would be in the same situation as Adam) Highlight that in the same situation everyone had different intensities (levels) of worried. Adam thinks about meeting new people Adam spills something on his shirt
Feeling Worried Activity Activity: Give children a piece of paper and ask them to write down a situation where they have felt worried in the past week. Could role play it if like. Then invite the child to stick their paper on the strength bar to show how worried each situation makes them feel. Highlight: different situations makes us feel different intensities of worry and the same situation can make different people feel different strengths of worry.
Feelings like worry Today we have discussed the feeling: worry. There are feelings like worry that you might know of. Brainstorm and generated feelings of different intensities of worry. Write on the board and link it to the strength bar. Eg: anxious, nervous, scared, troubled, concerned, apprehensive, distressed, fearful, tense, stressed, uneasy, uncertain, doubtful,
Follow up activity: Students can have their own copy of this and use it during the week. Teachers may like to do it at the end of the day a few times or when a student needs support with an issue.
Riley video Discuss feelings of sadness and worry that the characters experience. How intense are they? Why is it important to show and discuss feelings? Click the link in presentation mode. Riley feelings