TODAY’S SESSION WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE WITH YOU Black Pen Notebook for Notes Printed Copy of Visa Application Passport (within reason) BY THE END OF THIS CONFERENCE Decide what kind of appointment will be best for you Have a Completed Copy of The Visa Application Clear Direction for Bank Letter Clear Direction for Passport Instructions for Document Submission
GROUP vs INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT Use the following web site to determine what is the best possible course of action:
GROUP vs INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT GROUP VISA QUALIFICATION Enrolled in a Marist Italy Program Have a valid U.S. Passport or valid U.S. residency (visa or green card) Do not have plans to travel internationally during the summer Are not planning to travel to Europe prior to program start date Living in LdM Housing for the academic year 2017-2018 Not bringing a spouse or dependents
BOOKING AN INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website has a list of all embassies and consulates world wide that accept visa applications. For US residents there is a secondary list of consulates located in the United States. It is important to note that the Italian Consulates in the U.S. are each assigned a U.S. geographical region to support. You may only apply to the consulate that oversees the geographic region in which you reside.
INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT TIPS Is an appointment necessary? How far in advance do you need to book your appointment? Do I need to appear in person or does this consulate accept applications by postal mail? Does the consulate have a list of documents that I must present as part of my visa application? Does the consulate give instructions on how to retrieve my visa and passport once the process is complete?
COMPLETING THE VISA APPLICATION · Valid Passport · Passport Style Photograph (MAP copy in file) · Application Form (4-Pages) · Copy of Front Page of Passport · Copy of Drivers License or State ID Card · Copy of Marist ID ** · Certificato D’Iscrizione ** (LdM document) · Proof of Lodging ** · Marist Sponsor Letter ** · Verification of Enrollment ** · Letter of Financial Soundness (Bank Letter) · Credit Card Statement · Proof of International Health Insurance ** · Money Order for $62
A Valid Passport · · Valid through March 2019 · Has at least 3 empty pages · Signed
Passport Photo ACCEPTABLE NOT ACCEPTABLE · Must be regulation size Printed on photo quality paper; 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) in size; Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (between 25 and 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. ACCEPTABLE · Must be regulation size · White background · On photo paper; good quality · Looking straight at the camera · Can be purchased at local drug stores NOT ACCEPTABLE · A photo with other people · A photo with a hat or head covering * · Wearing glasses of any type* · No headphones or wireless hands- free devices · Poorly printed or scanned photos · SMILING (
VISA APPLICATION Tips for Completing Visa Forms USE the prefilled out form given · Write in neat block letters with a black pen · Do not cross anything out or write over text · Do not use white out If you make a mistake, you will need to complete a new copy of the document
The Application Page 1 1. Surname (s) : Your last name. If you have hyphenated last name or two last names please put both. 2. Surname (s) at birth: If your current last name is different than your last name at birth (maiden name or, adoption, etc…) enter the last name that appears on your birth certificate. 3. First Name : Your first name 4. Date of Birth: Your date of birth 5. Place of Birth: The city & state you were born in 6. Country of Birth: the country you were born in 7. Current Nationality: Your current citizenship (not ethnic origin); if you have dual citizenship note the nationality of the passport on which you will be traveling. 7a. Nationality at Birth: if different from 7 put your nationality at birth. 8. Sex: gender 9. Marital Status: Married, Divorced, Single, Separated, or Widowed 10. Guardians Information: Only for students who are under 18 years of age 11. ID Number: leave blank 12. Type of Passport: Most of you will have an ordinary passport 13. Document Number: Your passport number 14. Date of Issue : The date passport was issued 15. Valid Until: The expiration date of passport 16. Issued By: Most U.S. passports will be the U.S. Department of State. This information is on the personal data page of the passport in the middle of the page on the right side 17. Applicants Home Address & E-Mail Address: Your permanent address and Marist e-mail address. 17a. Telephone number: your home phone number 18. Residence in a country other than your country of origin, have you permission to return to that country: Leave this blank unless you are in the U.S. on a student visa, green card or other type of visa. 19. Current Occupation: Student 20. Employer’s Information: Marist College, 3399 North Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 USA 21. Purpose of Journey: Study
The Application Page 2 22. City of Destination: The city that you will be living and studying in - for most of you it is Florence 23. Member State of First Entry The first Schengen country you arrive in. E.G. - If the plane’s first stop is in Munich, write Germany. 24. Number of Entries: Multiple 25. Duration of Intended Stay: length of your school program. From the first day or orientation to last day of school. (note early arrivals and late departure days are not counted in the student visa) Fall semester abroad = 110 days 26. Schengen Visas issued in the Past 3 Years: If you have received a visa to work or study in any of the Schengen countries you will need to supply the country and dates of the visas. If no leave blank 27. Have you been fingerprinted for a Schengen Visa: 1st time visa applicants answer no. Previous Schengen visa holders who were finger printed for the Permesso process, mark yes and note the date of your finger printing. 28. Entry Permit for final country of destination: This should be left blank as Italy is your final destination 29. Intended Date of Arrival into Schengen Area: This is the date of your flights arrival. 30. Date of intended departure from Schengen area: The date of your departure flight. 31. Name of Person in Italy/Employer: 31 has 3 boxes - 1st box write: Marist-LdM, Via Faenza 43, 50123 Firenze, Italia. Leave the second two boxes blank. 32. Name of Host Company/Organization: 32 has 3 boxes - 1st box: Lorenzo de Medici /Marist 2nd Box: T +39.055.287360 | F +39.055.2398920 3rd Box: Marta Cantalamessa, Registrar College Programs | | Via Faenza 43, 50123. 33. Costs of Trip are Covered By: In box on left side check boxes marked: Myself, Cash, Credit Card, Prepaid Transport. In box on the right side of the page Check second box for “Other” write next to “Other” - Marist College. Then check the boxes for accommodation provided, Other. Next to “other box” write Prepaid Tuition.
The Application Page 3 34.—37. EU Family Member - For the purpose of the study visa this section will be left blank. Note one of the statements references a visa fee. There is no visa fee for a study visa. The second statement discusses the use of the information provided in your visa application. Be sure you read this carefully.
The Application Page 4 On page 4 you simply need to complete the last two boxes at the bottom of the page. · Place and Date: This is the location (City and State) where the application was completed and the date on which it was completed. · Signature: For students over the age of 18 simply sign this box.
THINGS TO COPY Tips For Making Copies · Use color copier or scanner if possible · If using a black and white copier use photo settings · Make sure copies are readable and nothing is cut off · Make copies true to size
Copy of… · Marist/School ID · Data Page of Passport · Drivers License
VISA DOCUMENT REQUEST FORM Must be completed and mailed back to Marist in ORIGINAL FORMAT with an ORIGINAL SIGNATURE. Be sure that you have indicated which kind of appointment you are doing and how you want your documents released. Choose a method for the return of your documents via our online mailing system.
Letters From Marist · Certificato · Sponsor/Lodging Letter Marist generates these letter for student · Certificato · Sponsor/Lodging Letter · Verification of Enrollment
Letter of Financial Soundness Florence Semester students (staying 1 full semester) = $5,700 The Letter Format: This letter must be an ORIGINAL on bank letterhead, signed by a bank representative The consulate will NOT accept a statement The account must list the student as primary or joint account holder The consulate has provided a format and preferred text for the creation of this letter Meeting the Minimum You may use multiple accounts You may use any combination of bank accounts The funds shown in this letter are not frozen
Letter of Financial Soundness · SAMPLE #1 · SAMPLE #2 $1,500 $5,000 $4,200 $10,500 $10,500
Credit Card Statement Each student is required to have a credit card in their name. Notes about the credit card: This cannot be a debit card – the card must have a credit line The card may be a second card issued to an authorized user; the authorized users name must appear on the statement. There is currently no specific credit limit required. The statement must be an official statement, not a print out of an online account. The statement may be the account letter sent with a new card.
Credit Card Statement Samples · SAMPLE #2 $1,500 $5,000 $4,200 $10,500 $10,500
The Visa Processing Fee is $56.00 and must be paid by Money Order.
Organizing Your Application · Passport · Passport Style Photograph · Application (4 Page Application Form) · Color Copy of Front Page of Passport · Color Copy of Driver’s License /State ID · Students who are legal residents also need to provide copies of their green card or residency papers. · Letter of Financial Soundness (Bank Letter) · Credit Card Statement · Money Order · Visa Document Request Form (if not submitted already)
THE VISA! IMPORTANT WEBSITES: Italian Consulate NYC: Italian Consulate NYC VISA Information: Italian Ministry of External Affairs (Farnesina): List of Italian Consulates (Worldwide):