Marine Bio SUB PLANS Tuesday, 10.31 Students will be watching “Chasing Coral” The video is on Netflix Have students fill in the viewing guide notes as they watch.
Science PLANS Fri, 10.27 B6 & B8 B6 (9:33-11:03) B8 (1:15-2:43) Please pass out Greenhouse Effect CLASS SET instructions Students electronically email me part I and part II of lab Pass out Climate Change Reading so students can flip flop use of computers The lab is due at the end of class If they don’t finish the reading it is for homework
Science PLANS Mon. 10.30 (Aday) and Tues. 10.31 (B day) MONDAY 10.30 A2 (9:14-10:33) Lunch 10:33-11:03 THEY COME BACK 11:07-11:37 A3 (11:41-1:11) TUESDAY 10.31 B6 9:33-11:03 B8 1:115-2:43 Please pass out the NASA module to each student: Students write on their own sheet of paper They need chromebooks Turn in to the tray at end of class (EVEN IF NOT FINISHED) Please pass out the climate claims homework to the students. These are the student sheets they can write on They are missing all of the graphs Graphs are in a file labeled climate claims on my website
Marine Bio SUB PLANS Fri. 10.27 (B5) and Monday, 10.30 (A4) Please pass out the CLASS SET of Plankton readings to the students: Students individually read and complete the student plankton sheet 30 minutes, students turn in to tray when finished For the remainder of the period students will be watching Blue Planet: The Deep. Please paperclip these and place them in the tray labeled B5 to separate them from the plankton assignment.