BPIA – Approver OATH Token Provisioning Instructions March, 2016
Go to the following link: BP Approver OATH Token Page Go to the following link: https://g1t6099.austin.hp.com/OATH BP/client/bpapprover_token_home.p hp This page contains the various links needed to order and manage OATH tokens for your users
Adding Business Partner User Click the “Add Business Partner” Button
Adding Business Partner User Cont. Enter the shipping information and the Solution ID for your company Click “Submit” to continue This will generate an order to ship a token to the user
Pickup code generation Once the user receives the token, they need to register their token at https://partner-auth.hp.com. See the OATH token BP User instructions for details. To complete this activation they will need a pickup code from you. Click the “Generate Pickup Code” button Enter the user’s email address and click “Submit” Pass the displayed 8 digit code to the user via non-email means (phone call, OC, in person, etc.) so they can complete their activation
Reordering a Token If a user loses their OATH token or their OATH token becomes damaged or unusable click the “Reorder OATH Token” Button Enter the user email address and click “Submit” You must first disable the current token. Click the “Continue” button Re-enter the user’s information and click “Submit” to generate the new order
Unlock a Token A users token may be locked when a user tries to register it with wrong pickup codes for more than 5 times. To unlock the token click the “Unlock Token” button Enter the Users email address and click “Submit”
Disabling a Token If a token becomes lost or an employee leaves and does not return a token, you can disable it Click the “Disable Token” button Enter the users email address and click “Submit” Disabled tokens can be re-used by a new user by following the user instructions for activation