Famous Scientists Created by: Mrs. Caraba.


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Presentation transcript:

Famous Scientists Created by: Mrs. Caraba

Dr. Sally Ride She is an astronaut that explores space. She was a tennis player. She even ranked on the junior tennis circuit. She was the first American woman to orbit the Earth on June 18, 1983. She flew on the space shuttle Challenger. She is a professor at Stanford University. She is head of the California Space Institute. She has a Ph D in Physics. She is very smart. She earned 4 degrees at Stanford University.

Benjamin Franklin At ten, he worked as a candle maker in his father’s shop. He loved to read and wrote poetry. He helped set up Philadelphia’s first fire and police department. He was a postmaster for the first 13 colonies. He invented the stove, bifocal glasses and the “long arm”. He invented the printing press. He published Poor Richard’s Almanac. He discovered electricity. He helped write the Declaration of Independence.

Galileo Galilei He studied math, space, and physics. He studied at the University of Pisa. He did experiments with pendulums. He discovered that they almost always return to the same position that they started. He used a pendulum to make a clock in 1641. He invented the thermometer. He developed the telescope which let him look into space. He discovered the rings of Saturn. He was the first person to see the four moons of Jupiter. He said the sun was the center of our universe.

Marie Curie She won the Nobel Prize in 1903 with her husband in Physics. She won the Nobel Prize in 1911 Chemistry all on her own. She was one of the first people to ever win the Nobel Prize twice. She was inventive and very smart. She studied math, physics, and chemistry. She worked with very dangerous materials that were radioactive. This eventually made her sick.

Sir Isaac Newton He went to school at Trinity College. He studied math, physics, and optics. He was knighted by Queen Anne and became Sir Isaac in 1705. He invented the reflecting telescope. He defined the laws of motion. He discovered gravity. He discovered the secrets of light and color and showed how the universe is held together. Science before him was very messy and unorganized. He cleaned it up.

Louis Pasteur He founded the science of microbiology. He learned that most diseases were caused by micro-organisms (small, living things like germs). He discovered a way to clean milk. It is called pasteurization now. He discovered penicillin. This is used to treat infections. He discovered vaccines for several diseases such as rabies. He discovered how to keep things from going sour. He discovered what was killing the silk worms that made silk. He saved the silk (clothing) industry. He spent most of his life trying to find cures to diseases.

Jacques Cousteau He was a famous oceanographer. He studies the ocean. At 11, he built a model crane. At 13, he built a battery operated car. He went to the Ecole Navale (Naval Academy) and later joined the French Navy. It was at this time he began exploring the ocean. He perfected the aqualung, which allowed a diver to stay underwater longer. He made many movies about the ocean and published many books. He made a T.V. series that showed everyone the world of sharks, whales, dolphins, and coral reefs.

George Washington Carver He was kidnapped by slave traders when he was young. He was 12 years old when he first went to school. While others played at recess, he studied. He also studied at home. He went to Iowa State College where he studied about plants and farming. He became the best botany student there. He believed in recycling. He said to never throw anything away. He taught at Tuskegee Institute. He made soap and ink from peanuts. He made 118 different products from sweet potatoes and 75 materials from pecans. He was a very inventive man.