Approved Session Title - Only Speaker #1 Should Use This Slide (32pt Bold Arial)
Speaker Presentation Title if Different than Overall Session: Arial Bold 36pt Speaker Name, Credentials Date Time
Disclosure [Speakers - REQUIRED - Insert Name of Presenter on this line] [Type of Support – Categories and example shown below; please modify accordingly] {If nothing to disclose, please state that below in place of options provided} Board Member/Advisory Panel - Example: Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Consultant - Example: USA Wheat Federation Employee - Example: ARAMARK Corporation Research Support - Example: Academy Foundation Speaker’s Bureau - Example: Washington Speakers Bureau Stock/Shareholder - Example: Pfizer, Inc. Other
Learning Outcomes Insert Learning Outcome # 1 here Planning NOTE : Objectives should be action oriented and able to complete the following statement: At the end of this session, the participant will be able to…
Header Speaker #1 begin their presentation slides here… Bullet Sub-bullet Bullet
Practice Applications Speakers should insert 3 immediate applications or take away points on this slide Please be specific as to what the attendees can do with this information when they return home post- FNCE