ROTAN the X-Ray laboratory Daniel Šimek Jan Drahokoupil Zbyněk Šourek Jiří Kub Václav Studnička the X-Ray laboratory Oliva Pacherová Marián Čerňanský Marie Trousilová Petr Veřtát
Equipment operated room 120 room 046 room 043 3 open X-ray sources Back scattered Laue method Debye-Schrerer method Bragg-Brentano HZG3 in reconstruction X’Pert Pro vertical diffractometer Bragg-Brentano (Co, Cu) with PSD Parallel beam geometry (Co) Texture accessory (limited liability range) High temperature chamber (RT to 2200 ˚C) Bruker D8 with rotating anode Parallel beam geometry, Cu anode only Set of three primary monochromators/collimators (Bartels) Variable slit, parallel plate collimator or analyzers in diffracted beam Eulerian cradle (chi, phi, X-Y-Z-stage) Domed low-temerature chamber (-100 to +350 ˚C) Rigaku Rotaflex rotating anode generator Two diffractometers attached, Cu, Co, Mo Parallel beam-geometry powder diffractometer Huber (Cu anode only) 3 crystal single crystalline diffractometer BEDE Fine focus open source (Cu anode) instrumentation experiments (X-ray optics etc.) room 120 room 046 room 043
Single crystal services Low resolution (Laue method) Marie Trousilová, Václav Studnička Single crystal orientation determination Orienting single crystals (for cutting etc.) High resolution (epitaxial layers) Oliva Pacherová, Zbyněk Šourek, Jiří Kub mutual orientation of layer/substrate heteroepitaxy parameters (misfit → strain) (multi)layer thicknesses, roughness X-ray reflectivity also works for atomically smooth amorphous/polycrystalline (multi)layers Oliva Pacherová, Daniel Šimek, Jiří Kub thickness and roughness of (multi)layers Non-ambient -100 to +350 ˚C
Powder (polycryst.) services Film methods (historical) Debye Scherrer characterisation (crystal statistics) Phase analysis Jan Drahokoupil, Václav Studnička, Petr Veřtát qualitative (phase recognition) of known inorganic phases in powder, polycrystals both bulk and thin layers quantitative (phase fractions) for powders or non- or weak textured bulk polycrystals (Rietveld refinement) phase transformations (e.g. with temperature) Structure refinement Jan Drahokoupil, Daniel Šimek, Petr Veřtát Microstructure analysis Jan Drahokoupil, Marián Čerňanský, Daniel Šimek, Petr Veřtát grain sizes (<300 nm) residual strain (thin layers, surface) texture characterisation (liable for cubic symmetry) Non-ambient RT to +2200 ˚C (liable for powders)
Special (on-demand) In-situ experiments (mechanical load) on polycrystaline samples Jan Drahokoupil, Petr Veřtát Phase transformations under mechanical load Instrumentation Daniel Šimek, Jiří Kub, Jan Drahokoupil Statistical characterisation of grain sizes > 1 μm Hi precision single-crystal orienting Novelty crystallographic techniques (holography, diffuse scattering) X-ray optics testing Jiří Kub, Zbyněk Šourek X-ray lens, optics prototyping
Summary The (responsible) persons for particular techniques were introduced Feel free to turn to them directly with your problems If you are not sure to whom to turn, ask me to help you If you think you would need (even in a future) something else, let me know.
Future? (we would like to purchase) Texture diffractometer with 2D detector reliable texture analysis of any material grain statistics (equivalent to D-S method) fast tracking of phase transformations (non/ambient, diffusion processes) Pair distribution function characterisation (short-range ordered materials) Microtomography with phase/diffraction contrast non-destructive 3D imaging of voids, cracks, inclusions non-destructive 3D grain boundaries imaging non-destructive 3D grain orientation imaging in-situ experiments (crack-growth, domain walls migration) Improved Laue method (automated with CCD camera) fast orienting and attaching to any holder, less trained personnel (anyone) Hi-resolution diffractometer with beam collimated in both directions in plane measurements, non-coplanar diffraction small angle scattering on nano-sized objects Solid ’21 ? ?