[speaker name]
Agenda CPA Update and 2017 Member Census How You Contribute NPW Survey Results Keynote Address: Generating Momentum
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“Thank you for advocating for the payroll profession “Thank you for advocating for the payroll profession. Payroll professionals are still not accorded the value and worth they're due in terms of salary and respect.” - CPA Member
Payroll is mission critical because… Canada’s 1.5 million employers count on payroll professionals to annually pay: $928 billion in wages and taxable benefits $313 billion in federal and provincial statutory remittances $177 billion in health and retirement benefits While complying with over 200 federal and provincial regulatory requirements.
2017 Member Census
2017 Member Census
Thank You For Your Vote of Confidence!
CPA advocacy on electronic T4s and RL-1s will save employers millions
Working with CRA, ESDC, Service Canada, Revenu Quebec and other provincial and territorial government bodies
Education Offerings Publications available at Payroll.ca Compliance Resources Seminar and Webinars available at Payroll.ca Professional Development
“Having my certification makes me more marketable and demonstrates diligence to prospective employers. The resources, legislative updates and knowledge available through membership is invaluable, especially in situations that are unfamiliar or not often encountered.” - CPA Member
Payroll Administrators and Coordinators $44,750- $72,500 Payroll Supervisors and Managers $62,500- $117,500
Payroll.ca Certification
2017 NPW Professional Survey
Size of Payroll Department
Time Spent on Payroll 49% less than 50% of time 17% 51% more than 50% of time 49% less than 50% of time
What are you most often asked to explain to employees? Statutory Deductions Retirement Programs Registered Retirement Savings Plans Medical Expenses Employer-Paid Group Life Insurance Premiums
How confident are you that your pay is accurate each payday? Payroll Professionals Employees 99% 91%
2017 NPW Employee Survey
Many Albertans living pay cheque to pay cheque, burdened by debt, despite feeling hopeful about economy
Ontarians challenged by debt, not saving enough for retirement, pessimistic about local economy
Many Manitobans living pay cheque to pay cheque, overwhelmed by debt, show pessimism over economy
Saskatchewan employees still living pay cheque to pay cheque, accumulating more debt, despite positive signs around savings
More B.C. employees living pay cheque to pay cheque, not saving for retirement, despite optimism about local economy
Atlantic Canadians faring worst nationally when it comes to debt, savings and retirement, pessimistic about economy
Does your employer offer employees automatic deductions into a separate savings account each pay period? YES NO 61% 39%
[Keynote speaker name]