Speaker A. Welcome to ‘A Brief Introduction to the Role of the SQA Co-ordinator’ . We are Alastair McKenzie and Kevin Boyle, Liaison Managers for SQA.
A Brief Introduction to the Role of the SQA Co-ordinator Speaker A. We’re going to give you an insight into the role of the co-ordinator, then our colleagues in our Data Services team will show a video and take some questions on using Navigator- SQA Net.
Who Does What in my SQA Centre? Quiz Time Speaker A. We’re going to start by giving you a short quiz to complete. Please read and answer the questions with responses that represent what happens in your centre. If you don’t know the answer, please just guess. Once you’ve answered the questions, please compare your answers with the person sitting next to you. You have two minutes. (Don’t collect the responses- give them 2/3 mins)
What Have I Signed Up To? Speaker A. If you’ve been doing the role for a while the answers will have been very straight forward for you. For others, the questions might have made you worry about what you’re getting yourself into.
Every Centre is Different Speaker A. The important thing to realise is that every centre is different. As an SQA Co-ordinator, your school might have 2000 students, or it might have 10. You need to find working methods that work for you. So look at what you need to do in the job and start to think about how you will do this.
Speaker A. An important starting point is identifying who in your centre can help with the role. Also think about buddying up with a more experienced coordinator from another centre. Delegate appropriately- you can’t do everything! If you are doing everything, try to ensure the teachers in your school aren’t relying on you to do things that should be part of their job.
Where Can I Get More Info to Get Started? Speaker B
Speaker B Your starting point is the Coordinator Guide. Who can tell me where this document is found? (SQA Connect) This document contains the Key Dates. Key Dates are also contained on the Key Dates wall planner. Use this to remind yourself of upcoming deadlines.
Sign up at: http://mailer.sqa.org.uk/ And ask your colleagues to sign up too! Speaker B Sign up for Centre News- pass this to colleagues internally, get them to sign up individually and ensure they read it- it’s how we keep people updated so it’s essential everyone reads this. If you ever have a week when you don’t receive Centre News, contact us. We’ll investigate and send it to you.
Speaker B The SQA website has a huge amount of resources and information that will help you do your job. Navigate to the school co-ordinator section and you’ll find lots of useful materials.
Speaker B In addition to the Co-ordinator Conferences, we host other events throughout the year to keep you and your colleagues up to date. As well information sharing opportunities, they’ll also give you a chance to network and meet other people who can help.
What Systems Are There to Help? Speaker A.
Where Can I Get More Info to Get Started? Speaker A. SQA Net- which you’ll be learning more about shortly is a great resource.
Where Can I Get More Info to Get Started? Speaker A. You’ll use Connect to access information and user guides, to submit results service requests and to check verification selections and results. Small centres also use Connect to enter and result candidates.
Speaker A. SQA Secure is where you’ll find Unit Assessment Support Materials, Course Assessment Tasks and flyleafs to go with these.
So Many Systems! How Can I Access Them? Speaker A.
Speaker A Go to the SQA webpage and click on sign in and you’ll see links to each of the systems.
Who Can Help? Speaker B We talked earlier about the people in your centre that can help. But who else can help?
We Can! www.sqa.org.uk/liaisonteam/ Speaker B You have a dedicated Liaison Manager whom you can email or call for advice relating to all manner or qualification or system related issues.
Co-ordinator Induction Teachers’ Meetings Co-ordinator Meetings (LA & Other) IV Toolkit Training Speaker B We can also visit your centre to meet with other teachers to provide support. We’ll attend and contribute to LA and SCIS coordinator meetings. We can give general qualification updates to wider teacher meetings or departmental meetings. We also do this induction in more depth within your school. We have been delivering training across Scotland in how to use the IV toolkit to improve quality assurance within schools. And we can also provide support to help you with verification. General Qualification Updates Support for Verification
Other SQA Co-ordinators Buddy Co-ordinator LA/SCIS Contacts Speaker B Remember too, that others outwith SQA can help. We’d suggest you identify a buddy coordinator- ask us if you help with this. You’ll also have a LA or SCIS contact who can help support you in the role.
www.sqa.org.uk/nqoperationalcontacts Speaker B Although Liaison Managers and Regional Managers can help with queries, the SQA website also contains direct email addresses and telephone numbers for every department, should you wish to go to them directly.
Regional Managers www.sqa.org.uk/workwithus Speaker B Our Regional Managers are also available by email or phone and can also visit you in your centre to give advice on the types of qualifications you might want to think about delivering, give guidance on Developing the Young Workforce, and to provide support through the approval process. www.sqa.org.uk/workwithus
So Remember… Speaker A.
You’re Not Alone! Speaker A.
Thanks for being an SQA Co-ordinator! Speaker A.