1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5 ways to ease IBS Cut out processed foods. Your body finds it hard to digest the chemicals and these cause gut inflammation which flares up you IBS 1 - Stay away from dairy products. Foods such as milk, cheese and cream all contain lactose which will increase IBS symptoms 2 - Eat whole grains which are easy to digest such as bulgar wheat, pearl barley and cous cous. Rice can work for some people but this can also cause your IBS to flare up so try rice in small quantities to begin with. 3 - Stay away from pasta and bread, especially white versions of these foods. 4 - Eat more, smaller meals per day to ease the work your gut needs to do. Avoid the traditional 3 large meals per day and go for 5-6 smaller meals at regular intervals. 5 - 5 ways to ease IBS