Bell-ringer: 7 minutes Evaluate the successfulness and effectiveness of the given procedure. What else could you include to improve the written procedure? Laura is studying a species of fish living around an ocean reef system. She lists the following observations: • Males have brightly colored scales to attract the females for mating. • Females are brown without brightly colored scales. • The fish species normally has few predators. • Within a few months, a species of carnivores enters the reef system area. • These carnivores prey upon the colorful fish. Laura measured the population size of the fish species a year after the introduction of the predators. Copy CCSS/Objectives/HW
Mantra - Your Turn! Today is a great day for science because: science is power. We are powerful because: We always make a difference.
Agenda Paper Return/ Grade Sheets/ Collection (Make-ups?) Connections Friday Volunteers Lab Safety & Experiment Execution Predict the outcomes if.... Demos/Your Turn Lab Safety Contracts Summary/ Due Dates/ Leftover Questions GO GO FEEDBACK FRONTIER!
Paper return/ Grade Sheet Update No. Name of Assignment Unit Name Date Points Earned 1. How Do You Know Inquiry 8/6/15 2. Science / Observations 8/7/15 3. Measurement 8/11/15 4. Scientific Method Quiz 8/17/15 5. 1st Attempt: Fossil Model 8/19/15 6. 2nd Attempt: Fossil Model 8/25/15 7. Introduction Requirement Qz. 8/28/15 8. Introduction Section 8/31/15 9. Materials Section 9/2/15
Class Cup Categories of the Day Quiet Coyote Time Homework Completion Cleanliness of Room at the end of class # of Volunteers Following Directions the First Time Home calls continue to help with your projects If I see problems with procedures, I’m calling! Give me time to reach you. Don’t start your experiment until around Saturday at 2pm Feedback
Connections Friday Volunteers Present a simple 1 minute how-to demo OR Look up newspaper articles or local current events that relate to having strong materials/procedures.
Lab Safety & Experiment Execution Predict the outcomes if.... You forgot to check your materials before starting YOU DIDN’T READ THE DIRECTIONS! You didn’t wear gloves/goggles/apron Materials were not properly stored The lab was left messy/ Items were not properly disposed of You wore open-toed shoes and didn’t tie your hair back
What Might Have Caused…
Priorities: Your Turn If you were running your own lab, what safety rules would you prioritize as top 3 and why? 1. 2. 3.
Lab Safety Contracts 9/4/15 Guardian Version I acknowledge that my student, __________________, is collecting data for a science project for Miss Krichten’s Science class for the week or until completed. I may supervise if needed or will find someone else to if needed. I know that animals should not be harmed, chemicals are not required, and no one should be at risk for being harmed during the project. If there is any concern, I will call Miss Krichten at 215-595-3375 right away. Guardian Signature: ___________________ Date: __________
Lab Safety Contracts 9/4/15 Student Version I acknowledge that I, __________________, am only to be collecting data for a science project for Miss Krichten’s Science class for the week or until completed. I will ask to be supervised by my guardian. I have learned the lab safety rules in class and will follow them at home. I know that animals should not be harmed, chemicals are not required, and no one should be at risk for being harmed during the project. If there is any concern, I will call Miss Krichten at 215-595-3375 right away. Student Signature: ___________________ Date: __________
Your Turn Project #1: Lab Safety Cartoon This is an individual project. Create a cartoon which depicts any lab safety rule. Your cartoon must clearly explain what is happening and either how to prevent an accident or what to do if there is an accident Project #2: Lab Safety Skit You may work in a group up to 4 people to act out any lab safety rule. Your skit must clearly explain what is happening and how to prevent an accident. You may use different characters and scenarios to describe what is happening. Project #3: Lab Safety Poster Your safety poster must clearly explain the rule and how to prevent an accident. The brochure will need sketches, or pictures that will help aid in your explanation. The picture must fill at least one third of the poster board.
Last Items/ Questions We need to follow safety rules because: _______________________________________________ Review Scientific Method & CP Packet Online! Now 2 practice SI Unit worksheets to try on website Calendar on Class Website outlines when sections due SI Units Quiz Wednesday Collecting and Organizing data: This week
GO GO FEEDBACK FRONTIER! Miss K – In my baggie (Comments on my teaching, living up to my goals, and any personal things you need to privately tell me) Parking Lot – Back of the door in your period’s “parking spot” Your peers – Feedback to 1 or 2 people
Project Leftovers: Identification Requirements Your name Course name and Period # Instructor’s name, spelled correctly Date Submitted
Title Requirements Was Due Mon 8/31. Independent Variable Dependent Variable Experimental organism or system being used
Introduction Requirements Was Due 8/31. Reveals the question to be answered Background Information Statement of Purpose (Why are you doing this experiment?) Hypothesis (and alternate hypothesis) State what observations or information led you to make this hypothesis Brief Summary of Procedures (1-2 sentences)** **You can add this after we go over procedures
Materials Section Requirements Was Due Wed 9/2. Lists all equipment or places to be used in project Explains experimental design and variables Describes method of data collection Describes method of analyzing data Strategic full points: Includes appropriate research and topic; May use relevant outside information of a formal or informal nature; Identifies all important aspects of the scientific problem and shows understanding of the relationships between them. Communication full points: Gives a complete response with a clear, unambiguous response; Presents strong supporting evidence where appropriate; Writing is relatively free of grammatical and spelling errors.
Procedure Section Requirements Was Due Fri 9/4. List of all steps to be taken during experiment Clear Numbered Specific In the correct order