Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS CIVIL PROTECTION FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT PREVENTION AND PREPAREDNESS RISK Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Starting date: 1/1/2013 Ending date: 31/12/2014 Duration in months: 24 Project eligible cost: 665.000 € EC financial contribution: 498.750 € Coordinating Beneficiary: University of Sannio Italy Associated Beneficiaries: Amministrazione Provinciale di Avellino Italy University of Ljubljana Slovenia Municipality of Ajdovščina Slovenia Risques & Développement France University of Dortmund Germany University of Crete Greece Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge RISK focuses on the challenges of adapting to climate change and preparing for natural disasters facing areas of the EU data from British Geological Survey, 2012 Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Why RISK? The entire territory of the EU is foreseen to be heavily impacted by climate change. Natural hazards are increasing also due to various reasons (e.g. urban development, land use, etc…). The institutional approaches to risk management can be very different. As a consequence, priorities related to climate change adaptation and natural hazards awareness are different. Therefore it is crucial to promote collaboration at the regional level to avoid strong differences in mitigation strategies, but also to avoid conflicts for resources. In order to enable such coordinated approach, a common framework for assessing hazards and risks is required. Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge It is crucial assessing the hazard and related risks also evaluating the the impacts of climate change; preparing experimental action plans engaging stakeholders in related decision-making. RISK is addressed toward two different target groups Local, regional and national decision-makers at different levels (local civil protection, political, etc…); Technical and professional units (single person or agencies and companies with particular attention toward entities operating in the sphere of civil protection). Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Our principal goal is to propose an integrated approach that can guide decision-makers to manage natural risks developing a methodology that harmonise the presentation of risk information, provide comparative parameters to monitor changes in risk, as a measure of the evaluation of the effects of policies and investments in hazard management improve the capacity of decision-makers on local, regional and national level to measure key elements of the risk Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Primary Areas: Sannio-Irpinia, Italy Ajdovščina, Slovenia Secondary Areas: Crete, Greece River Wupper area, Germany Luz Saint-Sauveur and Pierrefite Gorges (Hautes-Pyrénées), France Crete: flood Wuppertal: storm water flooding Montaguto: railway line landslides Pierrefite Gorges : road protection Slano Blato: landslide Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Name: RISK tool - geospatial scenario-based risk-analysis software. Why this tool is necessary? As people increasingly move to locations that are vulnerable to natural hazards, financial and human losses from natural hazard events will continue to rise. Community decision-makers and leaders face the challenge of how to plan for and allocate scarce resources to invest in protecting their communities. Adopted strategy: integration of knowledge and techniques from many fields such as geology, hydrology, geography, mathematics, statistics, and economics. Background: map-based online systems provide a framework and technology in which these disciplines can be combined to solve these types of complex, inherently spatial problems. What the RISK tool do: modelling, mapping and communicating risk. It is designed to help public agencies and communities understand and reduce their vulnerability to, and risk of, natural hazards. Basic model: It is adapted from financial-portfolio theory, a method for evaluating alternative, regional-scale investment possibilities on the basis of their estimated distributions of risk and return. Financial-portfolio theory can be linked with natural-hazard, land use, mitigation and emergency preparedness information to estimate risk to a community from natural disasters at the regional scale and to identify cost-effective pre-disaster risk-reduction policies. How the RISK tool works: the user inputs data that include the probability of the hazard event, the planning time horizon, the assets at risk (e.g. tax parcels), the spatial probabilities of damage, the monetary value and/or vulnerability of each asset, and the cost and effectiveness of the risk-reduction measures being considered. the user selects a portfolio of locations and/or measures in which to invest a limited budget for hazard mitigation. then, for that portfolio, the RISK tool calculates estimates for the total cost, number of locations mitigated, return on investment, expected loss, and community wealth retained. the user can display maps showing the results of each mitigation policy, and compare and rank the policies according to their own priorities. Activity Area N. 1 Start date End date Objectives Creation of a Risk Management Tool 1/1/2013 31/8/2013 Creation of a geospatial scenario-based risk-analysis software tool The utilised model is inspired by the financial-portfolio theory, a method for evaluating alternative, local and regional-scale investment possibilities on the basis of the distributions of risks (USGS). The model can be applied to any hazard. The tool integrates natural-hazards and economic information in an online Map Based System to estimate expected damages and loss and consequent costs. For a natural-hazard event, a user can run the tool to evaluate the risks and returns of investing in different portfolios of locations and loss-mitigation strategies, and then compare and rank them according to the user’s risk preferences. The tool is designed for decision-making at a local and regional level, but data at any scale can be entered into the model. Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Activity Area N. 2 Start date End date Objectives Risk Assessment 1/1/2013 29/2/2014 Risk assessments of the five selected areas Activity Area N. 3 Start date End date Objectives Action Plans 1/3/2014 31/12/2014 On the basis of the risk assessments, specific action plans will be performed. These plans have the purpose of providing national and, mainly, local stakeholders with strategies to address the priority areas and the related investments in the public investments. Activity Area N. 4 Start date End date Objectives Dissemination 1/1/2013 31/12/2014 The dissemination of the activities and the results of the project (tools) will be done in the the involved nations and among other interested parties at a European level (additional regions, user groups, etc.). Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Main Deliverables and Deadlines 1st Interim Report – 31/12/2013 / 2nd Interim Report – 30/6//2014 / Final Report – 28/2/2015 Risk Management Software Tool – 31/8/2013 Risks maps of the two primary areas – 31/1/2014 Risks maps of the three secondary areas – 31/1/2014 Action Plan section concerning the institutional preparedness and emergency plans for the two primary areas – 31/10/2014 Action Plan section concerning the institutional preparedness and emergency plans for the three secondary areas – 31/10/2014 Action Plan section containing detailed economic evaluation of the recommended remedial adaptation actions against the costs of the impacts of climate change and natural disasters for the two primary areas – 30/11/2014 Action Plan section containing detailed economic evaluation of the recommended remedial adaptation actions against the costs of the impacts of climate change and natural disasters for the three secondary areas – 30/11/2014 Newsletter (4nd, 12th, 15th, 18th, 24th month) Web Portal – 1/3/2013 / Brochure – 15/5/2013 Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018
RISK - Risk management via an Innovative System based on Knowledge Main Events Workshops: France (2nd month), Slovenia (6th month), Italy (12th month), Germany (15th month), Greece (18th month) Final Conference: Italy or Belgium (24th month) Follow Up Amongst the target groups: by means of a feedback questionnaire during the workshops and the final conference; Project partners: they will monitor improvements in the five project areas related to the project themes. Kick-off meeting of the selected projects - Brussels September 17, 2018