Humanitarian Awards etiquette On Friday, February 16, we will recognize students, staff, and community members who act as humanitarians in our community. This full-school assembly will include parents, visitors from local government, and other honored guests. Let’s remember to be Spartan Sharp in our attire and our actions!
Be Respectful Being Respectful means being polite and cooperative. Behave to Impress. Listen actively. Be silent during performances and speeches. Find 2 things that inspire you to greatness. Participate Respectfully. Stand when appropriate. Clap for performances and speakers.
Be Responsible Being Responsible means being dependable and trustworthy. Dress for Success. Wear black, white, and red. Performers – have your materials and be on time to meeting area. Audience – Leave all belongings in locker or classroom.
Clothing guidelines Remember this is a DRESS UP day, NOT a DRESS DOWN DAY. Shirts should have a collar and be solid blue, black, white, or red. All pants should be worn at the waist with shirts tucked in. No jeans or denim. No leggings, jeggings or other skin tight fabric. No joggers. Dresses should no more than 2 inches above the knee. No T-straps, no see-throughs. Violators whose parents can not bring them the appropriate attire will spend the day in ISS.
Be safe Being Safe means being free from harm to yourself or others. Go directly to the destination. Sit in assigned areas and with your class or in the assigned performance area. Follow directions.
Being a Humanitarian In its most general form, humanitarianism is an ethic of kindness and sympathy extended universally to all human beings. We are the world. We take charge and make a positive change. We are always the best that we can be. Act as a class: Recall expectations for assembly etiquette. Identify the positive changes in Campbell we want to highlight for prominent visitors (Parents, Guest Speaker, Mayor, School Board, etc.)