How does Shelley present power in the poem Ozymandias? Think is it positive or negative? Shelley presents power as <adjective/your opinion> in the poem Ozymandias. 2. What evidence can you see in the poem to support your opinion? Remember quote marks ‘…’ This can be seen in the phrase… 3. What technique has been used in your quotation? Push yourself could it be symbolic in any way? The use of <technique> demonstrates… 4. Start to zoom in on the language in your quotation. The most interesting word in this phrase is <word>. It has connotations of <…> which makes the reader think of <…> 5. Try to think symbolically to push your analysis. Symbolically, the use of <…> could suggest… 6. Alternative interpretation. Time to draw on what your peers may have said! Think about the writer’s intentions as well. Alternatively, this could mean… 7. Context. What influenced the poet to write this poem? Think about his intentions. When Shelley wrote this poem…this may have influenced how he perceived power. Let’s put together all of your ideas. Use this flow chart to help you structure your response. How does Shelley present power in the poem Ozymandias? Language Features Alliteration Assonance Sibilance Structural Features Break from sonnet form End stop 11 syllables Volta Narrative frame Jot down any bright ideas here… Contextual Factors Romanticism Shelley’s radical political views King George I
Use the boxes to physically check off that they’ve done this. Some extension tasks for pushing the more able pupils in the class. Change the features dependent on the poem or level of scaffolding you would like to include. Sentence starters to help structure/model the phrasing required. Any key ideas that may come up in conversation. Alternative interpretations too.