Warm-UP Rank the problems from your photo analysis last class. Which problem do you think was the most serious? Why?
Photo Analysis You have received anonymous photos from a concerned citizen highlighting issues that need to be addressed by government. Examine the pictures using the national archive analysis procedures as a template As you are viewing the gallery jot down issues the photo highlights
Exit Ticket Would you want to live in this time period (1890s-1920)? Why or Why not? If you could live in any of the time periods we have studied so far, which one would you choose and why? (Colonies, Revolution, Const, Westward Movement, Civil War, Industrialization (GildedAge)
The Progressive Movement Causes and Goals VUS.8d: The student will demonstrate knowledge of how the nation grew and changed from the end of Reconstruction through the early 20th century by: d) Identifying the causes and impact of the Progressive Movement, including the excesses of the Gilded Age, child labor …
The Progressive Movement Used govt. to institute reforms for problems created by industrialization
Causes of the Progressive Movement #1 Excesses of the Gilded Age Income Disparity and lavish lifestyles Practices of robber barons
Causes of the Progressive Movement #2 Working conditions for labor Dangerous Long hours, low pay, no benefits, no job security Child Labor Company Towns
Goals of the Progressive Movement Govt controlled by the people – not corporations Guaranteed economic opportunities through govt. regulation Elimination of social injustices
Progressive Accomplishments Local New forms of government State Referendum Initiative Recall
Progressive Accomplishments Elections Primary Elections Direct Election of U.S. Senators Secret Ballot Child Labor Muckraking literature describing abuses Child Labor laws
Why Reform Local Government? Corrupt mayors who run cities like a King
Commission System Departments controlled by commissioners – not the mayor - Fire, police, garbage Ex: New York City
Council - Manager City Council make the laws City Manager administers the laws Ex: Virginia Beach
Reforms of State Government Initiatives + Referendums State laws made and voted on by State voters
Recall Way for State voters to remove bad elected officials Protestor petitioning to recall Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin 2011
17th Amendment (1913) Voters directly elect their US Senators
Other Voting Reforms Secret Ballots Primaries for Prez. /Congress
The Muckrakers Journalists Muckrakers expose horrible conditions children are required to work in expose big business + Gov’t corruption
CHILD LABOR Child Labor Laws limit the age, job, and hours children can work