Teacher & Leader Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher & Leader Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures Penney McRoy December 12, 2013 3:00 – 4:30 1

Topics Session Resources and Materials Process The Purpose of PPEMs Intended Outcomes Timeline The Measures Annual Performance Ratings Annual Reporting and PSC Decisions

Resources & Procedures 3

Resources Overview Document (“Purpose”) FAQs Document Definitions of Learner Ready Teacher and School Ready Principal Construction Paper Plain Paper Crayons and markers Tape

Process Select a puzzle piece from the basket Move

Process You and your partner will: Become EXPERTS on the measure to which you are assigned; Listen intently, read, discuss, make notes, and ask me clarifying questions; Respond to the questions of your colleagues; Assign a value to your measure and defend it; and Work with a larger group to put “the big picture” together and jot down your ideas about the future.

Process All Commissioners will: Seek to understand ALL the measures; Listen intently, read, discuss, make notes, ask questions; and Think about your future role related to this work.

Framework 8

Establishing a Framework Use your construction paper and tape to make a… Telescope (?) Review the definitions of Learner Ready Teacher and School Ready Principal Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures – PPEMs Teacher Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures – TPPEMs Leader Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures – LPPEMs

Why PPEMs? Are we producing teachers who are ready on day 1? Are we producing leaders who ready on day 1? Can these teachers and leaders positively impact student learning? Program quality---how do we know? Really know! Are the Standards enough? State and national focus on outputs & accountability Race To The Top

Intended Outcomes Consequential 2015-16 Improve teaching and learning in P-12 schools Improve the effectiveness of teacher and leader preparation programs Inform the citizens of Georgia about preparation program quality TPPEMs LPPEMs

Timeline Planning and Development Pilot Phase I Pilot Phase II 2012-13 Planning and Development 2013-14 Pilot Phase I 2014-15 Pilot Phase II 2015-16 Full Implementation See Page 2 of Overview document

The Measures 13

The Basics Applicable to ALL programs leading to certification in teacher (T) and leadership (L) fields Traditional Non-traditional Out-of-state (?) Based on a cohort model. Collected and reported annually Resource: Overview document, page 3 - 7. Cohort : everyone admitted (actually taking classes) to a program in a given academic year is in a cohort.

Details TPPEMs LPPEMs TEM Scores of Completers (50%) Induction Success Rate (10%) Content Knowledge (30%) GaPSC Annual Performance Data (10%) LEM Scores of Graduates (50%) Content Knowledge (20%) GaPSC Annual Performance Data (30%) Resource: Overview document, page 3 - 7.

Unpacking… Components comprised of multiple measures: TEM Content Knowledge (for only 1—TPPEM or LPPEM?) GaPSC Annual Performance Data Resource: Overview document, Charts on pages 4 - 6. Name each element

For TPPEMs… Individually: With your partner: Find the following for your assigned measure(s) Definition Scale Collection time Status Note your questions about any of the measures Share your questions and attempt to resolve them Seek clarification from me if needed List 2-5 important points to share about your measure Prepare to respond to questions from the full group Resource: FAQs document 10-15 minutes

Questions TEM Induction Content Knowledge Completion Rates Retention Rates Yield Inductee Survey Employer Survey General 1 person from each group post questions

The Value of PPEMs With your partner: Discuss the value of this measure… Will it inform program effectiveness? Will it inform program provider effectiveness? Will it provide data for programs to use for improvement? What will it tell you, as a decision-maker? Give the measure a rating on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 = highest) Write your rating on your puzzle piece Prepare to defend your rating

The Value of PPEMs Each group: Share your rating and your rationale for the rating Invite discussion with those who disagree Respond as you wish (defend or change your rating)

Annual Performance Ratings 21

Annual Evaluation PPEMs will be collected & reported annually The data will be used to rate programs in one of four performance levels: Exemplary Effective At-risk of Low Performing Low Performing

Annual Evaluation Data & Ratings will be reported to: You will: EPPs Other applicable agencies The public You will: Determine if rewards or interventions are warranted Determine if approval is in jeopardy or should be revoked

Annual Evaluation Rewards: Interventions: Streamlined approval review procedures Identification as “exemplars” or “models” Opportunities to assist peers Interventions: Action Plans Forensic Audit Focused Visit Probationary Visit

Annual Evaluation How long will an at-risk or low performer be allowed to continue? Year 1: Action Plan and/or Audit Year 2: Focused Visit / Probationary Visit Year 3: Revocation

Putting the Pieces Together 26

The Big Picture When I say GO, The Greens/Reds will: Go to Green/Red poster, taking with you your puzzle piece, and crayons and/or markers. Put your puzzle together in the middle of the poster. With your like-color partners and with your new knowledge, discuss the “big picture”--using your telescope to peer into the future. Around your puzzle, jot down “elevator statements” about PPEMs and where this work will lead us as a state.

Any Remaining Questions

Thank You!