5 days to go before a 3-Day weekend! Please take out your packet and record today’s learning target in your notebooks Learning Target: Determine meaning from author’s language “We are arrant knaves all; believe none of us.” ~ William Shakespeare, Hamlet 13 Jan. 2014
Agenda 1/13/14 Portfolio Piece #3 handout and reminders Bellwork Review Speech Assignments Begin Act III viewing Homework: 5 hours signed by your mentor THIS THURSDAY Doing the after school YRBW book chat? It’s this Thursday in room 810. Be there ready to run the discussion! Bring your book and any notes you’d like. Points are based on your participation…not just being there! Start thinking about Portfolio Piece #3…remember you’re doing most of this OUTSIDE of class!
Portfolio Piece #3 Wildcard options…have you already done a personal piece a lit piece??? Check the gradebook-if you’re missing a portfolio piece, you need to chat with me ASAP!!
Bellwork 1/13/14 What conflicts do we see portrayed in the two speeches from your packet? Are they internal or external? **I’ll check your packets while you’re working- please have them out on your desk open to page 4!
Speech Analysis Assignment
Have you looked at the last page of your packet yet? Remember, your packet is due on the day of the group discussion (1/21). Start taking notes, making preparations, to be able to contribute to the final discussion. You can start working on those final pages at any time! Use the blank page to jot down ideas to answer the last questions.
Movie Notes Preview the plot info for the first scene!