Slide 3 Who is CRRL? NWRA Colorado Research Associates PI: Dave Fritts Co-I: Biff Williams CoRA UIUC University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PI: Gary Swenson Co-I: Alan Liu CRRL Director & Steering Committee University of Colorado PI: Jeff Thayer CSU Colorado State University PI: Steve Reising Co-Is: Chiao-Yao (Joe) She and Titus Yuan CU - CTC University of Colorado PI: Xinzhao Chu Co-I: Wentao Huang Five CRRL PIs Richard Collins John Plane Rolando Garcia Collaborator: Jonathan Friedman, Arecibo Observatory
Where is CRRL? Sites CoRA Lidar Site: Andoya, Norway Slide 4 Where is CRRL? Sites CoRA Lidar Site: Andoya, Norway Location: 69°N, 16°E Elevation: 380 m CSU Lidar Site: Fort Collins, Colorado Location: 41°N, 105°W Elevation: 1570 m Andoya, Norway UIUC Lidar Site (2008): Urbana, Illinois Location: 40°N, 88°W Elevation: 225 m Site (2009): Cerro Pachón, Chile Location: 30°S, 70°W Elevation 2715 m CSU CU UIUC CRRL Tech Center Site: Boulder, Colorado Location: 40°N, 105°W Elevation: 1655 m Cerro Pachon
CRRL: Science Science Science Leadership: Slide 7 CRRL: Science Science Science Leadership: Expertise in mesosphere and lower thermosphere neutral physics, dynamics and chemistry: non-linear wave dynamics, wave momentum fluxes, wind and thermal structure, metal chemistry, polar mesospheric clouds, climate trends… Science Productivity: 45 articles published in Applied Optics, JGR, GRL, JASTP, etc. in past two years Science Technology: Technology developments have led to science advancements in other fields Science Driver: Na W/T lidar is a centerpiece instrument attracting science campaigns, spacecraft validation, and model verification - Rocket campaigns in SOR, White Sands, and Andoya - Leonid meteor shower campaign at Starfire Optical Range (SOR) - Multi-instrument collaboration at Maui-MALT, ALOMAR and Cerro Pachón, Chile - CSU diurnal-cycle studies with TIME-GCM, HAMMONIA and TIMED/SABER
Mean-State and Tidal Temperature and Wind Climatologies Slide 8 Science Mean-State and Tidal Temperature and Wind Climatologies Highlights Science CSU Na lidar full-diurnal cycle observations of temperature, zonal and meridional wind from 2002 to 2006 allowed derivation of mean-state climatologies as well as diurnal and semi- diurnal tidal perturbations. Mean-state climatologies and semidiurnal tidal-period perturbations compared well to global circulation models and improved parameterizations of gravity wave sources and spectra. references Yuan, T., C.-Y. She, D. A. Krueger, F. Sassi, R. Garcia, R. Roble, H.-L. Liu, and H. Schmidt, Climatology of mesopause region temperature, zonal wind and meridional wind over Fort Collins, CO (41ºN, 105ºW), and comparison with model simulations, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D03105, doi:10.1029/2007JD008697, 2008. Yuan, T., H. Schimdt, C. Y. She, D. A. Krueger, and S. Reising, Seasonal variations of semidiurnal tidal perturbations in mesopause region temperature, zonal and meridional winds above Fort Collins, CO (40.6°N, 105.1°W), J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2007JD009687, in press, 2008. 4 4
Momentum Flux Studies of Gravity Wave-Tidal Interactions Slide 9 Momentum Flux Studies of Gravity Wave-Tidal Interactions Science Momentum flux on Dec. 9, 2006 derived from night-time coplanar zonal wind observations performed by the CRRL-CSU Na lidar Highlights Science Over 300 hours of nighttime three-beam observations allowed determination of gravity wave zonal momentum flux, simultaneous with full-diurnal cycle temperature as well as zonal and meridional wind, to determine mean state and tidal-period perturbations. Vertical profiles of momentum flux enabled analysis of gravity-wave tidal interactions. reference Acott, P., Mesospheric momentum flux studies over Fort Collins, CO (41° N, 105° W), Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University, in preparation, 2008. 5 5
Solar Cycle Effects and Long-Term Trends in Temperature Slide 10 Solar Cycle Effects and Long-Term Trends in Temperature Science Highlights Science 18 years of nighttime mesopause-region temperatures have been observed by the CRRL-CSU Na lidar in Fort Collins, CO. In order to analyze solar-cycle effects and long-term trends, one solar cycle of data is required; two solar cycles are preferred. After taking Mount Pinatubo warming into account, temperature trends on the order of ~1 K per decade were deduced, in general agreement with global climate models. Global coverage of long-term data is essential to understand the solar cycle response and long-term trends. TIMED/SABER data has provided a good start. 6 6
Instabilities and Gravity Wave Breaking Slide 11 Instabilities and Gravity Wave Breaking Science On Oct. 28, 2003, multiple waves were observed in OH airglow imager at Maui (left). One wave (B) propagated into a marginally stable region and drove the atmosphere to be dynamically unstable. The wave broke into ripples observed by the imager (right). Richardson number derived from lidar wind and temperature measurements on Apr. 11, 2002 at Maui, Hawaii, showing both dynamic (yellow) and convective (red) instabilities. Highlights Science High resolution lidar measurements enable detailed examination of instabilities induced by gravity wave breaking and wave-wave interaction. Lidar observations can be combined with those of other instruments, such as airglow imagers and rocket-deployed sensors, to study wave breaking and turbulence processes in detail. references Li, F., Liu, A. Z., Swenson, G. R., Hecht, J. H., & Robinson, W. A. (2005). Observations of gravity wave breakdown into ripples associated with dynamical instabilities. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D09S11, doi:10.1029/2004JD004849. Li, F., Liu, A. Z., & Swenson, G. R. (2005). Characteristics of instabilities in the mesopause region over Maui, Hawaii. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D09S12, doi:10.1029/2004JD005097. Liu, A. Z., Roble, R. G., Hecht, J. H., Larsen, M. F., & Gardner, C. S. (2004). Unstable layers in the mesopause region observed with Na lidar during the Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment (TOMEX) campaign. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D02S02, doi:10.1029/2002JD003056. 7 7
Large Amplitude Gravity Waves Slide 12 Large Amplitude Gravity Waves Science Lidar observations at Maui on Aug 12, 2004 show a rapid temperature and horizontal wind change from 90 to 95 km altitude between 6 and 10 UT. There was also a rapid increase in Na density during this period. Highlights Science Large amplitude GWs (>50 K in temperature amplitude) were observed occasionally. These events have a large impact on the environment. Lidar provides measurements of thermodynamic quantities of such events, allowing detailed study of their characteristics. references Li, F., Swenson, G. R., Liu, A. Z., Taylor, M. J., & Zhao, Y. (2007). Investigation of a “wall” wave event. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D04104, doi:10.1029/2006JD007213. 8 8
Seasonal Variation of Gravity Wave Activity Slide 13 Seasonal Variation of Gravity Wave Activity Science Total wind variance as function of season and altitude at SOR. Total temperature variance as a function of season and altitude at SOR Highlights Science Strong annual and semiannual variation of GW activity. GWs are strongest in winter, and weakest at the equinoxes. GW dynamics are closely related to atmospheric stability. Convective instability is most likely in winter while dynamic instability is most likely in summer. references Gardner, C. S. & Liu, A. Z. (2007). Seasonal variations of the vertical fluxes of heat and horizontal momentum in the mesopause region at Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09113, doi:10.1029/2005JD006179. 9 9
Seasonal Variation of Momentum and Heat Fluxes Slide 14 Seasonal Variation of Momentum and Heat Fluxes Science Seasonal variation of heat flux Seasonal variation of zonal and meridional momentum fluxes Highlights Science Maui and SOR are the only sites where estimates of both momentum and heat fluxes were possible. This is because both off-zenith and zenith measurements were made, and the coupling with the large telescope enabled reliable estimates of the low heat flux. Seasonal variation of momentum flux is consistent with background wind variation according to the wave filtering mechanism. Heat flux is consistent with theoretical predictions of downward flux, and its seasonal variation is closely related to atmospheric stability. references Gardner, C. S. & Liu, A. Z. (2007). Seasonal variations of the vertical fluxes of heat and horizontal momentum in the mesopause region at Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09113, doi:10.1029/2005JD006179. 10 10
Estimate of Eddy Diffusion from Gravity Wave Fluxes Slide 15 Estimate of Eddy Diffusion from Gravity Wave Fluxes Science Eddy kinetic diffusion coefficient as a function of month and altitude. Eddy thermal diffusion coefficient as a function of month and altitude. Highlights Science Eddy diffusion coefficients can be estimated by applying linear GW saturation theory to the measured GW parameters and their vertical fluxes of momentum and heat. Estimated eddy diffusion coefficients showed strong seasonal and altitude variation. This seasonal variation was found to be necessary for the realistic thermospheric modeling of Qian et al. references Liu, A. Z. (2008). Vertical Fluxes of Gravity Waves and Their Implications for Gravity Wave Parameterization. Paper presented at the 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada. 11 11
Momentum Flux Rockets and Lidar Rocket and Lidar Campaigns at ALOMAR Slide 16 Rocket and Lidar Campaigns at ALOMAR Science Momentum Flux Rockets and Lidar Highlights Science Dual-beam,day/night temperature, wind, and Na density coordinated with rockets and other collocated lidars Gravity wave/tide interaction and momentum flux gradients, instabilities, and wave breaking references 12 12
Multi-Lidar Thermal Structure: Latitude and Season Slide 17 Multi-Lidar Thermal Structure: Latitude and Season Science Highlights Science Temperature versus latitude plot for an entire year based on observations from the three CRRL sodium lidars at four locations, plus the Arecibo and IAP potassium lidars Seven sites:1.Spitzbergen (78°N), IAP, day/night 2. ALOMAR (69°N), CoRA, day/night 3.Kuhlungsborn (54°N), IAP, day/night 4.Fort Collins (41°N), CSU, day/night 5.Starfire (35°N), UIUC, night 6.Maui (21°N), UIUC, night 7.Arecibo (19°N), night 13 13
CRRL: Publications Slide 19 Published 2006 Chu, X., P. Espy, G. Nott, J. Diettrich, and C. S. Gardner, Polar mesospheric clouds observed by an iron Boltzmann lidar at Rothera (67.5°S, 68.0°W), Antarctica from 2002-2005: properties and implications, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D20213, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007086, 2006. Diettrich, J. C., G. J. Nott, P. J. Espy, X. Chu, and D. Riggin, Statistics of sporadic iron layer and relation to atmospheric dynamics, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 68, 102-113, 2006. Goldberg, R. A., Fritts, D. C., Schmidlin, F. J., Williams, B. P., Croskey, C. L., Mitchell, J. D., Friedrich, M., III, J. M. R., Blum, U., and Fricke, K. H., The MaCWAVE program to study gravity wave influences on the polar mesosphere, Annales Geophysicae, 1159-1173. SRef-ID: 1432-0576/ag/2006-24-1159, 2006. Wang L., D. C. Fritts, B. P. Williams, R. A. Goldberg, F. J. Schmidlin, U. Blum, Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere during the MaCWAVE Winter Campaign: Evidence of Mountain Wave Critical Level Encounters, Ann. Geophys., 1209-1226, SRef-ID: 1432-0576/ag/ 2006-24-1209, 2006. Vance, J. D., C. Y. She, T. D. Kawahara, B. P. Williams, Q. Wu, An all-solid-state transportable narrowband sodium lidar for mesopause region temperature and horizontal wind measurements, 23rd International Laser Radar Conference Proceedings (refereed), 2006. D. S. Davis, P. Hickson, G. Herriot, and C. -Y. She, Temporal variability of the telluric sodium layer, Opt. Lett., 31, 3369-3371, 2006. 14
CRRL: Publications Slide 21 Hecht, J. H., Liu, A. Z., Walterscheid, R. L., Franke, S. J., Rudy, R. J., Taylor, M. J. et al. (2007). Characteristics of short-period wavelike features near 87 km altitude from airglow and lidar observations over Maui, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D16101, doi:10.1029/2006JD008148. Gardner, C. S. & Liu, A. Z. (2007). Seasonal variations of the vertical fluxes of heat and horizontal momentum in the mesopause region at Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09113, doi:10.1029/2005JD006179. Gumbel, J., Z. Y. Fan, T. Waldemarsson, J. Stegman, G. Witt, E. J. Llewellyn, C.-Y. She, and J. M. C. Plane (2007), Retrieval of global mesospheric sodium densities from the Odin satellite, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L04813, doi:10.1029/2006GL028687, 2007. She, C.-Y., J. D. Vance, T. D. Kawahara, B. P. Williams, and Q. Wu, A proposed all-solid-state transportable narrow-band sodium lidar for mesopause region temperature and horizontal wind measurements, Canadian Journal of Physics, 85, 111-118, 2007. Li, T., C.-Y. She, H.-L. Liu, and M. T. Montgomery, Evidence of a gravity wave breaking event and the estimation of the wave characteristics from sodium lidar observation over Fort Collins, CO (41°N, 105°W), Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L05815, doi:10.1029/2006GL028988, 2007. She, C. -Y.,,J. Yue, Z. -A. Yan, J. W. Hair, J. -J. Guo, S. -H. Wu, and Z. -S. Liu, "Direct-detection Doppler wind measurements with a Cabannes–Mie lidar: A. Comparison between iodine vapor filter and Fabry–Perot interferometer methods," Appl. Opt., 46, 4434-4443, 2007. She, C.-Y., J. Yue and Z.-A. Yan, J. W. Hair, J.-J. Guo, S.-H. Wu and Z.-S. Liu, Direct-detection Doppler wind measurements with a Cabannes-Mie lidar: B. Impact of aerosol variation on iodine vapor filter methods, Appl. Opt., 46, 4444-4454, 2007. 15
CRRL: Publications Slide 22 Shiokawa, K, Y. Otsuka, S. Suzuki, T. Katoh, Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, T., Ogawa, H. Takahashi, D. Gobbi, T. Nakamura, B. P. Williams, C.-Y. She, M. Taguchi and T. Shimomai, Development of airglow temperature photometers with cooled-CCD detectors, Earth, Planets, and Space, 59, 585-599, 2007. Williams, B. P., J. Sherman, C. Y. She, and F. T. Berkey, Coincident extremely large sporadic sodium and sporadic E layers observed in the lower thermosphere over Colorado and Utah, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 3-8, 2007. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, S. Suzuki, T. Katoh, Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, T. Ogawa, H. Takahashi, D. Gobbi, T. Nakamura, B. P. Williams, C.-Y. She, M. Taguchi, and T. Shimomai, Development of airglow temperature photometers with cooled-CCD detectors, Earth, Planets, and Space, 59, 585-599, 2007. Liu, H.-L., T. Li, C.-Y. She, J. Oberheide, Q. Wu, M. E. Hagan, J. Xu, R. G. Roble, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. Russell III, Comparative study of short term diurnal tidal variability, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D18108, doi:10.1029/2007JD008542, 2007. Li, T., C.-Y. She, H.-L. Liu, T. Leblanc, and I. S. McDermid , Sodium lidar observed strong inertia-gravity wave activities in the mesopause region over Fort Collins, CO (41°N, 105°W), J. Geophys. Res., 112, D22104, doi:10.1029/2007JD008681, 2007. Friedman, J. S., and X. Chu, Nocturnal temperature structure in the mesopause region over the Arecibo Observatory (18.35°N, 66.75°W): Seasonal variations, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D14107, doi:10.1029/2006JD008220, 2007. 16
CRRL: Publications Slide 23 Published 2008 Yuan, T., C.-Y. She, D. A. Krueger, F. Sassi, R. Garcia, R. Roble, H.-L. Liu, and H. Schmidt, Climatology of mesopause region temperature, zonal wind and meridional wind over Fort Collins, CO (41ºN, 105ºW) , and comparison with model simulations, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D03105, doi:10.1029/2007JD008697, 2008. Li, T., C.-Y. She, S. E. Palo, Q. Wu, H.-L. Liu, and M. L. Salby, Coordinated Lidar and TIMED observations of the quasi-two-day wave during August 2002-2004 and possible quasi-biennial oscillation influence, Advances in Space Research, 41, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.03.052, 2008. Nesse, H., D. Heinrich, J. Stadsnes, M. Sørbø, U.-P. Hoppe, B. P. Williams, F. Honary and D. S. Evans, Upper-mesospheric temperatures measured during the January 2005 Solar Proton Events, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 2515-2529, SRef-ID: 1432-0576/angeo/2008-26-2515, 2008. Heinrich, D., H. Nesse, U. Blum, P. Acott, B. P. Williams, U.-P. Hoppe, Summer sudden Na number density enhancements measured with the ALOMAR Weber Na Lidar, Annales Geophysicae, 33AM Optical Meeting Special Issue, 26, 1057-1069, SRef-ID: 1432-0576/angeo/2008-26-1057, 2008. Nesse, H., D. Heinrich, B. P. Williams, U.-P. Hoppe, J. Stadsnes, M. Rietveld, W. Singer, U. Blum, M. Sandanger, and E. Trondsen, A Case Study of a Sporadic Sodium Layer Observed by the ALOMAR Weber Na Lidar, Annales Geophysicae, 33AM Optical Meeting Special Issue, 26, 1071-1081, SRef-ID: 1432-0576/angeo/2008-26-1071, 2008. 17
CRRL: Publications Slide 25 Accepted 2008 Yuan, T., H. Schimdt, C. Y. She, D. A. Krueger, and S. Reising, Seasonal variations of semidiurnal tidal perturbations in mesopause region temperature, zonal and meridional winds above Fort Collins, CO (40.6°N, 105.1°W), J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2007JD009687, in press, 2008. Smith, J. A., X. Chu, W. Huang, J. Wiig, and A. T. Brown, LabVIEW-based laser frequency stabilization system with phase sensitive detection servo loop for Doppler lidar application, Optical Engineering, in press, 2008. Strelnikova, I., M. Rapp, B. Strelnokov, G. Baumgarten, A. Brattli, K. Svenes, U.-P. Hoppe, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, B. P. Williams, Measurements of meteor smoke particles during the ECOMA-2006 campaign: 2. results, LPMR special issue, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., in press, 2008. 18
CRRL: Publications Slide 26 Submitted during 2008 Yue, J., S. L. Vadas, C.-Y. She, T. Nakamura, S. Reising, D. Krueger, H. Liu, P. Stamus, D. Thorsen, W. Lyons, and T. Li, A study of OH imager observed concentric gravity waves near Fort Collins on May 11, 2004, Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted, 2008. Vadas, S. L., J. Yue, C.-Y. She and P. Stamus, The effects of winds on concentric rings of gravity waves from a thunderstorm near Fort Collins in May 2004, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2008. Drob, D. P., J. T. Emmert, G. Crowley, J. M. Picone, G. G. Shepherd, W. Skinner, Paul Hayes, R. J. Niciejewski, M. Larsen, C.Y. She, J. W. Meriwether, G. Hernandez, M. J. Jarvis, D. P. Sipler, C. A. Tepley, M. S. O’Brien, J. R. Bowman, Q. Wu, Y. Murayama, S. Kawamura, I.M. Reid, and R. A. Vincent, An Empirical Model of the Earth’s Horizontal Wind Fields: HWM07, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2008. S. D. Harrell, C.-Y. She, T. Yuan, D. A. Krueger, H. Chen, S. S. Chen, and Z. L. Hu, Sodium and potassium vapor Faraday filters re-visited: Theory and applications, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, submitted, 2008. Chu, X., C. Yamashita, P. J. Espy, G. J. Nott, E. J. Jensen, H.-L. Liu, W. Huang, and J. P. Thayer, Responses of polar mesospheric cloud brightness to stratospheric gravity waves at the South Pole and Rothera, Antarctica, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., revised, 2008. 19
CRRL Technology Development Slide 33 CRRL Technology Development CSU: Chirp Stability Re-measured iodine spectrum and pulse laser lineshape Sum Frequency Generation of 589 nm light using Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Implemented as a CW seeder in the ALOMAR lidar and a frequency marker in the Shinshu/Nagoya University Na mobile lidar Three-Beam Setup for All-Year Observations of T, U & V UIUC: Development of a high efficiency receiver system New software and hardware were developed for laser control and frequency shift. New data acquisition software and hardware allows simultaneous multi-channel input and beam steering
CRRL: Education and Training Slide 35 CRRL: Education and Training Graduate Students: PhD and masters students in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Atmospheric Science and Aerospace Engineering CSU has graduated 15 PhD students in lidar sensing (1991 – 2008) and 2 PhD students currently enrolled in Physics and 1 PhD student enrolled in EE UIUC has graduated 2 PhD students since CRRL was established and 1 PhD and 2 masters students presently enrolled in EE and 2 PhD students in atmospheric science involved in lidar sensing CU has 5 PhD and 2 masters students in lidar sensing enrolled in Aerospace Engineering CoRA trained 2 PhD Norwegian and German students (Hilde Nesse, U. Bergen, Ph.D. 2008; Daniela Heinrich, U. Oslo, Ph.D.2008) Undergraduate Students: Training in electro-optics, atmospheric science, data acquisition, laser systems, diagnostic equipment CoRA trained Jorgen Osterpart, undergrad, U. Tromso, Natalie Muller, undergraduate, U. Heidelberg CSU hosted Mr. Stefan Schweiger, undergraduate student, University of Applied Sciences, Regensburg, Germany, and supported an independent study by Jason Hahn, CSU undergraduate in Physics
CRRL: Graduate Students (U. Illinois) Slide 36 CRRL: Graduate Students (U. Illinois) Student Academic Year Institution Advisor Subject Scott Anderson PhD in 2008 University of Illinois G. Swenson Airglow tomography Chad Carlson PhD in 2009 He thermospheric lidar, Na lidar Xian Lu PhD in 2011 Liu GW saturation and dissipation Zhenhua Li PhD in 2010 GW source and propagation Tony Mangognia MS in 2009 Photometer, Lidar receiver Ben Graf Lidar data acquisition Austin Kirchoff MS in 2007 Lidar frequency locking and control Fabio Vargas INPE, Brazil Airglow modeling
CRRL: Graduate Students (CTC) Slide 37 CRRL: Graduate Students (CTC) Student Academic Year Institution Advisor Subject Johannes Wiig PhD in 2010 University of Colorado X. Chu Lidar tech development; instability study; Na climatology Chihoko Yamashita M.S. in 2008 Lidar data analysis for gravity waves in Antarctica X. Chu & H.-L. Liu Gravity wave modeling and data analysis John A. Smith M.S. in 2009 PhD in 2012 Laser frequency control; Lidar tech innovation; MLT science Bo Tan Lidar instrumentation; MLT science Jonathan Fentzke PhD in 2009 X. Chu & D. Janches Lidar DAQ development; meteor modeling; data analysis Paloma Farias Arecibo K Doppler lidar control and DAQ
CRRL: Graduate Students (CU-Boulder) Slide 38 CRRL: Graduate Students (CU-Boulder) Student Academic Year Institution Advisor Subject Arvind Talukdar B.S. in 2008 University of Colorado X. Chu Lidar electronics Matt Hayman PhD in 2009 J. P. Thayer Lidar receiver design and development; polarization lidar data analysis of PMC Katelynn Greer MS in 2009 Lidar data analysis and operation Steven Mitchell PhD in 2011 Laser altimeter development; lidar data analysis
CRRL: Graduate Students (CSU) Slide 39 CRRL: Graduate Students (CSU) Student Academic Year Institution Advisor Subject Philip Acott PhD in 2008 Colorado State University C. -Y. She and D. A. Krueger Mesospheric momentum flux studies Jia Yue PhD in 2009 C. -Y. She and S. C. Reising Convectively-Generated Gravity Waves and Gravity Wave Ducting Sean Harrell Faraday Filter-Based Spectrometer to Measure Sodium Nightglow D2/D1 Intensity Ratios
CRRL: Education and Training Slide 40 CRRL: Education and Training Training Community Researchers: Training on data usage and applicability Examples Hosted 3 CEDAR workshops on Lidar science and technology CSU hosted Mr. Zhaoai Yan, graduate student, Ocean University of China in QingDao, ShanTung, China, 2006 – 2007 CSU hosted Mr. Sebastian Knitter, graduate student, University of Rostock, Germany, 2006 – 2007 CoRA trained Norwegian (U. Tromso, U. Bergen, U. Oslo) and German students to operate lidar, including 4 female students/engineers ->3 recent first author papers CoRA participated in Norwegian Space Camp at Andoya Rocket Range Regular tours by B. Williams and Norwegian colleagues
Slide 43 CRRL: Community Operations and Maintenance: - Personnel, equipment and hours??? CSU: 18 years of regular nighttime operations (since 1990), continuous 24- hour observations (2002-present) CoRA: 8 years of daytime and nighttime operations UIUC: 2 years of observations at Starfire Optical Range (1998-2000), 5 years at Maui (2001-2005), major equipment modification and operation at Urbana, Il (2006-2008), relocation to Cerra Pachon, Chile (2009) Data dissemination / Analysis / Archival: CEDAR database and public websites Outreach: CEDAR workshops in 2006-2008 Lidar course development at CU International Laser Radar Conference exhibit booth Host to numerous students and researchers Collaborators: NCAR, TIMED, Maui-MALT enterprise, AURA astronomy program, Arecibo Observatory, Utah State University, Clemson University, Aerospace Corporation, Andoya Rocket Range, Norwegian Defense Establishment, Norwegian Naval Academy, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Leeds
CRRL: CSU Lidar Data Users/Collaborators Slide 44 CRRL: CSU Lidar Data Users/Collaborators CSU Lidar Data User Institution / Country Thirry LeBlanc CalTech/NASA JPL Tao Li Stuart McDermid Zhilin Hu Case Western Reserve Univ. Sharon Vadas CoRA Walter Lyons FMA Jim Russell Hampton University Didier Fussen Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique, Belgium Frank Mulligan Irish National University Sam Yee JHU/APL Elsayed Talaat Takuji Nakamura Kyoto Univ., Japan Hauke Schmidt Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany Larisa Goncharenko MIT Haystack Observatory CSU Lidar Data User Institution / Country K. Shiokawa Nagoya University, Japan Artem Feofilov NASA/Goddard Richard Goldberg Marty Mlynzack NASA/Langley Rolando Garcia NCAR Han-Li Liu Raymond Roble Fabrizio Sassi Qian Wu Douglas Drob NRL/DC Taku Kawahara Shinshu Univ., Japan Tom Slanger SRI J. Gumbeli Stockholm University, Sweden John Plane Univ. of Leeds Denise Thorsen Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks Paul Hickson University of British Columbia, Canada 28
CRRL: UIUC Lidar Data Users/Collaborators Slide 45 CRRL: UIUC Lidar Data Users/Collaborators UIUC Lidar Data User Institution / Country Jim Hecht Aerospace Corporation Mike Taylor Utah State Univ. John Plane Univ. of Leeds Taku Kawahara Shinshu Univ., Japan Miguel Larsen Clemson Univ. Lucus Hurd Xiaoqian Zhou Clemson Univ Steve Franke Univ. Of Illinois Jacques Sebag AURA Jonathan Friedman Arecibo 29 29
CRRL: Budgets and Challenges Slide 49 CRRL: Budgets and Challenges Budget Disabled: No Guest Investigator Program No CTC travel to sites No Lidar school Limited observations at all three sites Severely reduced GRA and post-doc support No equipment upgrade funds NOTE: Is this consistent with the Education and Training: Guest Investigator slide and CTC activities slide? Enabled: New lidar community technology center New lidar observatory in Chile Work force development by providing a foundation to increase the number of PhD and masters degrees Stability for international collaboration and leveraging for other programs Developed a sense of community for lidar research and middle atmosphere studies