Living Like a Writer “The best way to use your time outside of school is spent reading and writing.” --Randy Bomer
How do we learn to be writers? Experts in the field Published authors Teaching experiences Write, write, write!
What Writers Do (The Writing Process) Day to Day Living Slow Down Closely Observe Collect Record Striking Quotes Remember Reflect Percolate The Writing Process (Packet – P3) Plan Draft Reread Revise Edit Publish
Day to Day Living: Using a Writer’s Notebook Notice/Observe their world Think about Projects Audiences Topics Genres Write A LOT Read A LOT Packet P2 – P25
Writing Workshop is about giving students the opportunity to live like real writers.
Writer’s Notebook Entry Take a few minutes to think and jot about your writing experiences. Consider things like: What experiences did you have with writing in school (elementary college)? What experiences are your students having? What are your feelings about writing?
Share some of your thoughts with those at your table. Sharing Share some of your thoughts with those at your table.
A Community of Writers The early focus of writing workshop, is creating a community of writers. This safe place to write can be created by: Storytelling Reading Aloud Having Conversations Revealing Artifacts Finding Mentors Sharing Notebooks Decorating Notebooks (Packet S6)
Creating a Community of Writers It begins with a predictable environment. “Establishing a Predictable Environment” from The Art of Teaching Writing by Lucy Calkins (Packet S9) Each member of your group read & highlight a different section. Then discuss as a group.