Customizing Putty to work with Consuls
Step 1Get Putty Go to the website – –Download the file putty.exe to your desktop Usually this is accomplished by clicking on the link and choosing save.
It should look like this
Configuration If you double click on putty.exe you will get a screen like this except you will not have any saved sessions.
Freds Configuration Add the session information This is where you put in the address. Make sure you select ssh Give it a name and click save
Connecting Click on open or just double click on the session you just created. The first time you connect it will ask you to accept a key. Do so. You should now be presented with a black screen that says login. Login as you normally would with the username and password you have always used. It should look very familiar after that.
Customizing One of the nice things about putty is you can make the text and background look any way you want. This is controlled through the side menu under Appearance and Colours
Customizing Continued Make sure that after you make any changes you click on session and save. Otherwise nothing will be saved and you will have to do it all over again.
One last thing Putty is the client I chose because of its simplicity. Feel free to use any ssh client you feel comfortable with.