Welcome to Third Grade! Dawson’s Darlings 3 Rs of Third Grade---- RESPECT Class Rule RIGHTS I guard students’ rights to learn and to be safe. ---Distractions (students, parents at door, coming in late, leaving early, etc.) RESPONSIBILITY Agendas, homework, materials, and behavior
Attendance---note from the office Dawson’s Darlings Attendance---note from the office Just a couple of reminders that tend to be issues: 1. Out of town is not excused. Only valid reasons LISTED IN THE STUDENT HANDBOOK are excused. Please do not write attendance notes in the agenda…need a separate sheet of paper for the office. 2. Check in late AND check out early are BOTH counted as TARDY. 3. 5 unexcused absences results in a Truancy letter. A written or printed excuse must be submitted for EACH absence within 5 days of returning. A valid excuse (see #1) must be cited as the reason.
Dawson’s Darlings Behavior Class points Team Points (Dots on Lady bugs) Individuals—Behavior Tracking System 6 marks/one week = Dentention 10 marks/one week = Office Referral
Report Cards and Grades Report Card changes to letter grades. (on paper & printed by office) 9-week grading periods I’ll send home progress reports mid-way. You’ll also see most work in the Take Home Folder. (Some work is hands-on)
Any questions so far about what we’ve covered?
Dawson’s Darlings RAP and WIN time What it is and what it will look like in our day
Dawson’s Darlings HOMEWORK Is written in agenda daily READ at home every day at least 10 minutes STUDY MULTIPLICATION FACTS—flash cards, apps, links on my web page http://www.bar.rcs.k12.tn.us/TEACHERS/dawsonj/dawsonj.htm
Take Home Folders Sign and return the folder within two days of it being sent home. You may keep all papers except any redone work. Work with a grade of 70 or below should be redone. Redone papers should be torn out and placed back in the pocket of the folder.
Dawson’s Darlings Communication Emails dawsonj@rcschools.net Class website NOTE: If not in agenda…..Please CALL THE OFFICE to change transportation for your child. I cannot always check my email before dismissal time.
Dawson’s Darlings Testing Questar end of yer testing (TCAP) 4 Subtests (longest = 75 min. Shortest = 35 min.) Paper and pencil Achievement test in September New AIMSweb (easy CMB) 3 times/year
Weekly test days Snacks Mostly Fridays—not a good day to miss Healthy snack and non-disposable water bottle Snacks
Field Trips Cheekwood this Friday. Please DO NOT post photos of children on social media 2 more field trips and guest speakers
WISH LIST Target, Learning Circle, Walmart gift cards Auction Items #2 pencils (Ticonderoga) Skittles, M & Ms , and Popcorn Ink cartgs for Epson Workforce545
Notes for Students Remember to write your child a note and leave it on their desk. You may also write a note to students nearby who don’t have a parent here tonight.
Remember to jot down any questions you haven’t asked and T-mail them in the black basket by my desk.
THANKS! We’re going to have a great year!