How did the government react to immigration? Lesson Aim: To be able to give examples of the government’s actions. TASK: What message do you think your source shows? Use sources from p459.
How did people react to immigration and what forced the government to react? Jot these points down: In the late 1950s some right-wing people campaigned to ‘keep Britain white.’ By 1958, Britain’s economy was taking a downturn and there was a greater competition for jobs. Subtitle: Summer of Violence, 1958 Jot down at least 5 key points.
What did the government do?....... See p462-3 TASKS: Cut out the cards and create a timeline in your book. C grade: Underline/highlight all the key points in the acts. B grade: Tick boxes that helped immigrants/cross those that did not. A grade: How well do you think the government handled immigration?
Come-up with 3 quiz questions from today……. Make sure you know the answer!