Roosevelt and Taft Coach Crews U.S. History
Vocab and Review Define: arbitration Insubordination Answer questions 4-7 on page 168
Roosevelt and Taft Jot Notes (Summarize each section in 2-4 bullet points. Focus on main idea and key details) Roosevelt revives the Presidency Roosevelt takes on trusts The Coal Strike of 1902 Regulating Big Business
Roosevelt and Taft Jot Notes (Summarize each section in 2-4 bullet points. Focus on main idea and key details) Conservation Western land development Gifford Pinchot Roosevelt’s Legacy Taft’s Reforms The Payne-Aldrich Tariff Ballinger vs. Pinchot Taft’s Achievements
Reforms During Roosevelt’s Presidency Business Reform Using the Sherman Antitrust Act, the U.S. government stopped Northern Securities, a railroad company, from creating a monopoly. The Department of Commerce and Labor was created to regulate big business. The Hepburn Act strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) by allowing it to set railroad rates. Workplace Safety In 1906 laws were passed setting a minimum age for employment and a maximum number of hours children could work. Progressives pushed for workers’ compensation laws to pay workers injured on the job. Consumer Safety Because of muckraking, by 1906, citizens had become more aware of the dangers in food and drugs. Roosevelt and Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act. Under the Food and Drug Act passed in 1906, it became illegal to sell or ship any impure or falsely labeled food or drug.
Conservation Roosevelt supported the Newlands Reclamation Act, which authorized the use of federal funds to pay for irrigation and land development. Roosevelt tapped close friend Gifford Pinchot to head the U.S. Forest Service, designed to manage the vast timber resources of the West. Roosevelt added over 100 million acres to national forests and established 5 new national parks and 51 federal wildlife reservations.
Reforms During Taft’s Presidency Business Taft focused on breaking up trusts and brought twice as many antitrust cases to court as Roosevelt. Roosevelt criticized Taft for undermining the system of cooperation and regulation established during his administration. Workplace Safety Taft established the Children’s Bureau in 1912. This agency investigated and publicized problems with child labor. Consumer Safety Taft continued with Roosevelt’s Drug and Safety reforms, enforcing meat inspections and drug labeling. Conservation Taft named Richard A. Ballinger Secretary of the Interior. Ballinger was a conservative corporate lawyer who tried to make public forests available for private development, which strongly opposed progressive ideals. Economic Taft supported tariff reductions, but his position changed during negotiations. He signed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff into law, which only slightly cut most tariffs and actually raised tariffs on some goods.
Review Questions Page 174 1-5