Working With Common Denominators By: Larry Wilson
What is a Denominator? The bottom part of the fraction represents the total parts of the whole 6 6
The Numerator The top part of the Fraction represents the part that you have 6 6
The Numerator 5 6
What is a common denominator? Common denominators are the possible ways that fractions can be used to add or subtract unlike numbers These fractions can only be Added or Subtracted by finding a common language (Common Denominator) or Common multiple
1 A Common Denominator for 3 & 6 For Example Find the lowest number that both will divide into It is 6 Both 3 & 6 Will divide Into 6
Some Suggestions for Finding Common Denominators 1 Find the lowest number that both will divide into 2If both numbers are even try 2 or 4 3 If both are odd try 3 or 6 4 If both are even or both are odd multiply them together
Now convert the old denominators to the New into 6 X 1 =2 So the Equal Fraction Will be? 2 6
Now Add Numerators Keep the New Denominator Yes!
Now-Look in the Text Page 88 Example # Again 12 is the smallest Number that the denominators Will Divide into
So into 12 X 2 equals-? 8 So 8 is your numerator
Now Solve = Your Answer
Now Try One Look On Page 90 Solve Problem Picture #1