BECOMING AN ACTIVE READER Maryland Literature 2008 edition Sixth Grade TEACHER: Use Resource Manager-Unit 1, page I-3 for notetaking
PREVIEW Look at the title, the pictures/ illustrations, and the first paragraph. What do they tell you about what you are about to read?
CONNECT Think about whether the characters or situation remind you of people of experiences in your own life.
SET A PURPOSE Know why you are reading. Are you reading for information, enjoyment, or to understand a process?
USE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Jot down what you already know about the topic. Use these notes to help you make sense of what you read.
PREDICT Guess what will happen next. Look for details in the selection that serve as clues.
VISUALIZE Picture the scene in your mind. Use descriptions of setting, characters, and events.
MONITOR Check your understanding as you read. Question what is happening and why. Clarify what is unclear to you by rereading, asking for help,and/or summarizing what was read.
MAKE INFERENCES Make logical guesses about characters and events. Consider the details in the text and your own experiences.
Create a Personal Word List STRATEGIES THAT WORK READING STRATEGIES Know Your Purpose Take Notes Create a Personal Word List For enjoyment To learn or become informed Choose our words synonyms For research Know more than the definition antonyms To follow directions Practice using your words context