HOSA - Health Occupations Students of America HOSA is the only national student organization that exclusively serves secondary and post-secondary/collegiate students in pursuit of a career in the health professions. HOSA is for all students who are interested, planning to pursue or pursuing a career in the health professions.
HOSA - Health Occupations Students of America Reasons to join: There are scholarships available through HOSA. There is also a HOSA Job Board. Of course, membership in a club such as HOSA looks wonderful on college, scholarship and job applications.
HOSA - Health Occupations Students of America Website address is: www.hosa.org Here are a some of lists of reasons why a student should join HOSA: http://www.theprospect.net/7- reasons-why-you-should-join-hosa-44900 https://www.theodysseyonline.com/10-reasons-you- should-join-hosa http://georgiahosa.org/join-hosa
HOSA - Health Occupations Students of America How do you join?? Pay $15 to Mrs. Wood, the cashier. Tell her it is for HOSA membership.