M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) 9/17/2018 Common Core Standards 7.SP.1 Understand that statistics can be used to gain information about a population by examining a sample of the population; generalizations about a population from a sample are valid only if the sample is representative of that population. Understand that random sampling tends to produce representative samples and support valid inferences. 7.SP.2 Use data from a random sample to draw inferences about a population with an unknown characteristic of interest. Generate multiple samples (or simulated samples) of the same size to gauge the variation in estimates or predictions U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) 9/17/2018 Common Core Standards 7.SP.3 Informally assess the degree of visual overlap of two numerical data distributions with similar variabilities, measuring the difference between the centers by expressing it as a multiple of a measure of variability 7.SP.4 Use measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) 9/17/2018 Common Core Standards (from 6Plus – for 2012-13 only) Develop understanding of Statistical Variability. 6.SP.1 Recognize a statistical question as one that anticipates variability in the data related to the question and accounts for it in the answers. 6.SP.2 Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described by its center, spread, and overall shape. 6.SP.3 Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number. U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics CMAPP Days 130-141 (Compacted Days 1 – 5 ) 9/17/2018 Common Core Standards (from 6Plus – for 2012-13 only) Summarize and describe distributions. 6.SP.4 Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. 6.SP.5 Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by: Reporting the number of observations. Describing the nature of the attribute under investigation, including how it was measured and its units of measurement. Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered. Relating the choice of measures of center and variability to the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered. U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution Learning Objective(s) Describe data distributions, dot/line plots, measures of center, bar graphs and histograms Essential Questions: How do I collect, analyze, and graphically display data using frequency tables and dot plots (or line plots) from real-life scenarios? How would you describe real-world data using the median or mode as a measure of center, and range as a measure of variability? How would you describe a data distribution? U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution Vocabulary-1 frequency table a way to organize data in a table showing the frequency with which each category occurs dot plot/Line plot uses dots or x's above a number line to indicate the frequency that a given category occurred measures of center median and mean mean a measure of center used to describe "typical" in a set of data-it is most accurate when the range of the data is relatively small-the mean is found by finding the sum of the data and dividing it by the number of data pieces median a measure of center used to describe "typical" in a set of data-it is not affected by outliers or the range of the data-it describes the exact middle U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution Vocabulary-2 mode the number that occurs most often in a set of data-there can be one, more than one, or no mode for a set of data range the difference in the largest and smallest numbers in a set of data random sample a sample set up so that each member of the target population has an equally likely chance of occurring categorical data data categories described by names instead of numbers numerical (quantitative) data data categories described by numbers bar graph is used to compare data for categories and has single categories (may be numerical or categorical) histogram is used to compare data for categories but has intervals or ranges given for the categories U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution CW/HW WARM-UP: Find the mean, median, mode, and range of the following set of numbers: 42, 82, 88, 90, 90, 100, 106, 108, 110, 112 Primary - Description Supplemental - Description D130 NOTES handout CWD130 PRACTICE Prentice Hall Pre Algebra, Section 12-1 using text or workbook Histograms vs. Bar Graphs Activity: http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonDetail.aspx?id=L812 The median is a good way to summarize an entire data set. The median allows a person to quickly describe most of a data set. If the median height of a group of student is 66 inches, we would know that most students in that class should be around 66 inches tall. U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/15/13, Mon, Day 1 Data Distribution Exit-Ticket What would be a correct description of the data distribution in the dot plot (or line plot) below? A. The data distribution shows no gaps, two peaks, and the most popular colors are orange and brown. B. The data distribution shows three gaps, one peak, and the most popular color is red. C. The data distribution shows one gap, three peaks, and the most popular color is yellow. D. A description cannot be made about the data distribution. Correct answer is A. U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/16/13, Tues, Day 2 Box Plots (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/16/13, Tues, Day 2 Box Plots Learning Objective(s) Create and Interpret data from a boxplot display of the data distribution. median a measure of center used to describe "typical" in a set of data-it is not affected by outliers or the range of the data-it describes the exact middle interquartile range the difference between Q3 minus Q1marks in a boxplot - where the middle 50% of the data can be found boxplot shows the distribution of data compared to a number line-data is divided into quartiles five number summary the five numbers used to create the box plot- lower extreme/Q1/median/Q3/upper quartile U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/16/13, Tues, Day 2 Box Plots (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/16/13, Tues, Day 2 Box Plots CW/HW Primary - Description Supplemental - Description D131 NOTES Handout Prentice Hall, Pre-Algebra section 12-2 Prentice Hall, Pre Algebra, p. 638 #3-6. NBA Statistics for Box and Whisker Plots Activity: http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonDetail.aspx?id=L737 U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/16/13, Tues, Day 2 Box Plots (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/16/13, Tues, Day 2 Box Plots Exit Ticket A team scored the following number of points in its last eight games: 15, 24, 17, 19, 21, 38, 25, 39 Which number is the lower quartile for this data set? A. 31 B. 23 C. 18 D. 17 Answer: C Former EOG Grade 7 Sample Items Goal 4, #2 U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/17/13, Weds, Day 3 M.A.D (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/17/13, Weds, Day 3 M.A.D Learning Objective(s) Find Mean Absolute Deviation and use it along with the mean to analyze a set of data and discuss its variability measures of center median and mean measures of spread range, interquartile range, and mean absolute deviation mean absolute deviation a numerical measure of spread that shows how much data values vary from the mean-a low mean absolute deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean so the mean is an accurate description of "typical", and a high mean absolute deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a large range of values Essential Questions: Which set of data has less variability? U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/17/13, Weds, Day 3 M.A.D (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/17/13, Weds, Day 3 M.A.D CW/HW D132 NOTES-MAD ; D132 PPT Mean Absolute Deviation; HWD132 Mean Absolute Deviation Supplement - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9AJk7TvdpQ Exit Ticket U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
(M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/18/13, Thurs, Day 4 Graph Interpretation – Part 1 Learning Objective(s) Interpret data from a variety of graphs peak being at the point of maximum frequency, intensity, use, etc. range the difference between the least value and the greatest value statistics numerical data relating to a group of individuals; statistics is also the name for the science of collecting, analyzing and interpreting such data Categorical Data Data that has been grouped into categories, usually not numbers. Numerical Data Data that are counts or measures Essential Questions: Why do we use different graphs? What information can a graph tell us? U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
(M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/18/13, Thurs, Day 4 Graph Interpretation – Part 1 CW/HW D133-134 Investigation 1 Teacher Directions D133-134 INVESTIGATION 1 Response Sheet Handout Exit Ticket FROM CMP2, RED, 6th grade, "Data About Us“. Each group will need the handout, plus a strip cut from p. 105 in teacher edition (cm grid paper). U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
(M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/18/13, Thurs, Day 4 Graph Interpretation – Part 2 Learning Objective(s) Interpret data /graphs using the mean as the measure of center CW/HW Use D135-136 INVESTIGATION 3 Teacher Directions and D135-136 INVESTIGATION 3 Response Sheet to continue with the investigations in CMP2, RED, "Data About Us". Exit Ticket Find the measures of center (median and mean) for the following set and then tell which one is the best descriptor of "typical". Explain your choice. 20, 60, 66, 70, 72, 78, 82 Essential Question: When you add a number to a set of data how does it affect the mean, median and mode? CW: We will be skipping Investigation 2 due to time constraints in this unit this year. U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
(M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/18/13, Thurs, Day 4 Graph Interpretation – Part 3 Learning Objective(s) Interpret and read data from a variety of graphs and use them to make predictions CW/HW Use D137-139 INVESTIGATIONS Teacher Directions and D137-139 INVESTIGATIONS Response Sheet along with the teacher editions of CMP2, BLUE, "Data Distributions" and CMP2, BLUE, "Common Core Additional Investigations". Exit Ticket Essential Question: Looking at a box plot, what is the overlap between the two numerical data distributions? CW: “Depending on your class progress, you may want to summarize specific labs as all students complete them. Due to time constraints, we will not be completing all of the labs”. U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV
M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/19/13, Fri, Day 5 Review & Assessment (M7)Unit-8: 2D Figures Lesson Plan Outline 9/17/2018 M7Plus Unit-10: Statistics 4/19/13, Fri, Day 5 Review & Assessment Learning Objective(s) Review and Show mastery of concepts and skills in problem-solving for categorical and numerical data graphs and interpretation Need to create an assessment U8Day94-105_LessonPlanOutline_UV