Optimizing and controlling process through statistical process control page 442
Chapter Outline Rationale for SPC Control chart development Major topics: Statistical Process Control Defined Rationale for SPC Control chart development Management’s role in SPC Role of the total quality tools Implementation and deployment of SPC Inhibitors of SPC
STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL DEFINED All process are affected by multiple factors such as: The environment the machines employed The materials used The methods(work instruction) provides The measurement taken The manpower(people) who operate the process These factors are called the 5 M’s
STASTISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL DEFINED Statistical process control (SPC) is a statistical method of separating variation resulting from special causes from variation resulting from natural causes in order to eliminate the special causes and to establish and maintain consistency in the process, enabling process improvement.
Rationale for SPC Control of variation Continual improvement Predictability of processes Elimination of waste Product inspection See page no. 444
Control chart development Data category Chart type Statistical quality application Variables(measured values) x bar-R( See figure page 453 Mean value and range Charts dimensions and their precision, weight, time, strength, and other measurable quantities. example: anything physically measurable x tilde-R( Median and range Charts measurable quantities, similar to x bar-R, but requires fewer calculation to plot. Example as above
Control chart development(continue) Data category Chart type Statistical quality application Variables(measured values) x-Rs(also called x-chart See figure page 453 Individual measured values Used with long sample intervals; when subgrouping not possible. Example: products made in batches such as solution, coaching, etc. or grouping too expensive. Histogram must be normal
Control chart development(continue) Data category Chart type Statistical quality application Attributes(counted values) p-chart See figures page 454, 455 Percentage defective (also fraction defective) Charts the number of defects in samples of varying size as a percentage or fraction. Example: anywhere defects can be counted np-chart(also pn) Number of defective pieces Charts the number of defective pieces in sample of fixed size. Example: as above, but in fixed-size samples
Control chart development(continue) Data category Chart type Statistical quality application Attributes(counted values) c-chart See figure page 457 Number of defects Charts the number of defects in a product( single piece) of fixed size. Example: specific assemblies or products( e.g., pc boards, tires) u-chart Number of defects per unit area, time, length, etc. Charts the number of defects in a product of varying size (i.e., unlike products). Example: Carpet( area), extrusions length)
Management’s role in SPC Commitment Training Involvement See page 462
Role of the total quality tools There are several tools: Pareto charts Cause and effect diagrams Stratification Check sheets Histograms Scatter diagrams Run charts and control charts Flow charts Design of experiments Five-s Failure mode and effects analysis(FMEA)
Role of the total quality tools(continue) With SPC, the total quality tools have a dual role: First: they help eliminate special causes from the process so that the process can be brought under control. Second: their second role comes into play when, from time to time, the control chart reveals cause or when the operators wants to improve a process that is in control. See page 463
Implementation and deployment of SPC The implementation steps are divided into three phases: Preparation Planning Execution See page 465 for detailed study
Implementation and deployment of SPC (continue) phase responsibility action preparation Top management Consultant or in-house expert Step 1:Commit to SPC Step 2:Organize SPC committee Step 3:Train SPC committee planning SPC committee assisted by consultant or experts QA Management Step 4: Set SPC objectives Step 5:Identify target processes Step 6: train appropriate operators and support personnel Step 7: ensure repeatability of instruments and methods Step 8: delegate responsibility for operators to play key role
Implementation and deployment of SPC (continue) phase responsibility action execution SPC committee, operators, suppliers, customers Operator w/ expert assistance Consultant or in-house expert Operator SPC committee and management Operator w/ assistance as required All Step 9: flowchart the process Step 10: eliminate the special causes of variation Step 11: develop control charts Step 12: collect and plot SPC data; monitor Step 13: determine process capability Step 14: Respond to trends and out-of-limits data Step 15: track SPC data Step 16: eliminate root causes of any new special causes of variation Step 17: continually improve the process (narrow the limits)
Inhibitors of SPC Capability in statistics Misdirected responsibility for SPC Failure to understand the target process Failure to have processes under control Inadequate training and discipline Measurement repeatability and reproducibility low production rates See page 471-473 Discussion Assignment 18-2 on page no. 479 “ The start of the Japanese Quality Movement”
External Links Watch the Youtube link and go through the research to understand the topic better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GfBSuwhUwI https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212827116001529