Post Installation Inspection & RCP Evaluation Tools
Goal Share our Experiences from other States Requiring Similar PII Tools and Techniques Provide Knowledge and Tools to obtain Correct Evaluation of Installed RCP
WA OR ID MT WY UT CO NV CA AZ NM ND SD MN IA WI TX OK KS NE MO IL KY MI AR MS AL GA PA LA FL SC VA WV NY ME RI DE MD NC OH IN TN VT NH MA NJ CT AK Will post installation inspection become more prevalent? States shown in solid yellow have mandatory deflection inspection requirements. States shown in dashed blue, require or allow the use of laser profiling technology for post-installation inspection. About 30 State DOT’s require some type of Post Installation Inspection Storm Drainage 22 – States (Yellow) Require Mandrel Inspections – some considering CCTV + Laser Profiling + Micrometers 12 – States (Hashed) currently require or allow CCTV + Laser Profiling + Measurements of defects
Experiences From Other DOT’s/Munis. Stringent PII Inspection Specs. On Street Fire-Drills 1st Fire Drill = 1st Bid Letting 2nd Fire Drill = 1st PII Reports completed Fire-Drill Aversion leads to Training and knowledge gathering Calming effect - Once all stake-holders up to speed Slide 4
Prepare, Train, and Educate Prepare DOT/Muni. Inspection & Evaluation Team NASSCO PACP Subcontractors Educate Installers Prepare All Stakeholders on PII Eval. Process (who what when where?) Standard PII Report Format Slide 5
Inspection Team Preparation Trained on Proper Use of Inspection Equipment Proper Inspection Techniques & Issue Coding NASSCO PACP Certification Know Limitations Provide thorough, clear, quantifiable information
Evaluation Team DOT/Muni Specs. & AASHTO Guidelines Differentiate Between Cosmetic = Non-ISSUES Minor Damage = Note but No Repair Structural Issue = Evaluate Severity and determine if acceptable or what remedy required
Tools for Evaluation “Post Installation Evaluation and Repair of Installed Reinforced Concrete Pipe” See Your Handout!
Post Installation Evaluation and Repair of Installed Reinforced Concrete Pipe Contents Background on RCP Loads, Design, Structural Confirmation, & Joint Performance Decision Matrix Crack Eval. & Repair Joint Eval. & Repair Spalling and Slabbing Eval. & Repair References & Supporting Documents
Crack Evaluation Matrix Consistent with AASHTO Guidelines Acceptance Vs Repair Must know location, orientation, & crack width
Crack measurement Accuracy Crack measurement Accuracy? Can you expect accurate measurements of cracks less than 0.05” in width? (Width of U.S. Dime = 0.05”) Slide 11
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specification Section 27.6.4 (Summary) Crack < to 0.01” These cracks are minor & OK Crack between 0.01” and 0.10” Evaluation required: is it detrimental and in a corrosive environment? (PH<5.5) If non-corrosive or not detrimental – OK If corrosive and detrimental – Seal crack Crack > 0.10” Evaluation required: is crack detrimental to structure? If not detrimental – OK If detrimental – repair and seal crack If not repairable – remediate or replace Slide 12
Crack Matrix Allows user to quickly evaluate crack severity and determine if crack is detrimental or acceptable without repair. Follows AASHTO Guidance Be Prepared to see some cracking. Crack < 0.10” (width of two Dimes) = Generally Acceptable
Joint Eval. Matrix
Joint Matrix Performance Expectation? Leak Resistant, Silt Tight, Soil Tight Joint Opening meet Manufacturers recommendations Infiltration of soil?
Joint Evaluation Accurate measurements Signs of infiltration Signs of soil migration
Joints Note any leaking joints Evidence of soil migration through joint requires evaluation Differential movement, cracks, spalls, improper gasket placement, movement or settlement to be noted Slide 17
Slabbing / Spalling Evaluation Matrix
Spalling/Slabbing Spalling crack face edges chipping at joint No steel exposed = No Problem Steel exposed needs repair Slabbing – typically caused by Radial Tension Shear Cracks 30 deg off invert Slabs of concrete can become dislodged Slabbing is repairable
Conclusion – Avoid Fire Drills Prepare DOT/Muni. Inspection & Evaluation Team Obtain Clear and good Inspection Data Develop Standard PII Report Format Clear Evaluation Protocol – Utilize ACPA PII Eval. Manual Educate Installers Communicate PII Eval. Process to all Stakeholders