Week 1 Gates amg309@Georgetown.edu Introduction to Information Technology cosc 010 Week 1 Gates amg309@Georgetown.edu
Assignment Due Date Late Penalty (all cases) Grade Value Percentage of Final Grade 10 Labs Labs are assigned in Lab and due at the end of Lab -20% and must arrange time with TA to make up. Can be up to 5 days late. (15 points each) 150 points total 150/500 = 30% Exam 1 TBA - See class Site for details Cannot be late. 100 100/500 = 20% Exam 2 In class on the last day Cannot be late - will be discussed in class. Project 1 See class Site for details See the class Site for details. This will also be discussed in class. 50 50/500 = 10% Project 2 Project 3 TOTAL 500
BlackBoard and the class website We will use Georgetown BlackBoard for grades and submissions. We will use the class Google Site website for all other class items, including Assignments Due Dates Requirements Details Questions Class Site: https://sites.google.com/site/drgatescosc010/
exams What will you be tested on? Each term, I change up the Exams – so I post the details on the class Site and I talk about them in class.
class schedule & TAs You can find dates (including Lab dates) and requirements on the class Site. You can find info about the TAs on the class Site. ** For your TA – check with them to find out more about office hours and locations. You should also email them if you need them.
Office hours, labs hours, and TA info https://sites.google.com/site/drgatescosc010/contact
Week 1 Lab Lab1 Requirement: (Due at the end of Lab 1 – TA must check before you leave for you to get credit) Instructions: This is an in-lab assignment. It must be completed in the Lab and submitted at the end of the lab. The TA will check and test your results and give you a grade at the end of the Lab. It is acceptable to complete the assignment before the end of the Lab and get started on the first class project. You cannot leave the Lab early.
Week 1 Lab Assignment Description: 1) Get Python 3 (Anaconda 3) onto your computer (see Chapter 1 in the textbook or the Week 1 Slides). If you do not have a laptop, work with the TA to accomplish this on a Lab computer. 2) Write a small console command line statement that prints “Hello World” as output. 3) Next, create a .py file with this same code statement. Name file HelloWorld.py. Save the file, locate the file on your computer and in the Spyder File explorer. 4) Run the file. When run, it should print, Hello World. The goal of this assignment is to make sure that you have the Python Anaconda Spyder IDE running, and that you can create and run a small bit of code both on the command Console (called IPython Console) as well as with a file. Be sure you can also locate the file explorer in Spyder. Run this for the TA for a grade. Required and graded.
CODING Bus/Fin Bio/Med Apps Data Analysis and Big Data Apps Applied Statistics and Advanced Probability Theory Software Engineering Applications Programming C#/.net Applied Math Data Science Database Research, design, coding Machine Learning – SVM, NN, PF, Prediction, High D Regression Compiler Writing and PLP Web Development AI Ethics Security Algorithm Design Client/ Server Games Graphics Mobile Device Coding Instruction Management Distributed Systems CODING Mobile Computing Computer Architecture Adv. Pipeline research Memory Management Operating Systems Design Social Media Engineering/Architecture Educ. Apps
http://editorial. designtaxi http://editorial.designtaxi.com/editorial-images/NEWS-INFProgramming120615/4.jpg
suffering Creation, coding, and learning new computer stuff can cause suffering and frustration. This is an important part of our class. Everything in the world of computers and technology is always changing – and is never easy - so key goals are learning how to learn and being resourceful.
Python 3, anaconda, ipython, and spyder A first step to using any new programming language is to set up a development environment. This process can take some time, and in many cases will depend on overall development goals. For Python 3 IDEs (Integrated Development Environments): Spyder Platforms: Anaconda
Steps to Get Python 3 via anaconda When you download and install Anaconda, you will also automatically get the Spyder IDE as well as Python 3. This is a critical step and will be part of the Week 1 and 2 Labs. To download and install Anaconda, first go to the site called, https://www.continuum.io/downloads
Step 1 Determine if your computer is a 64 or 32 bit machine. To do this, go to the Control Panel and choose System and Security. Then choose System.
step 2 Get Python 3.x Be sure you get Windows if you have a PC or the correct option for MAC. Save the .exe file. A .exe file is an “executable file” that you will “run” on your computer. It will manage the installation. Download from https://www.continuum.io/ downloads
step 3: security One hurdle to installing any new program or software is your security. Everyone’s is a little different. Wrestle with it as needed. On my PC, I am able to choose Run from this Security Warning – which I did.
step 4: Location and next Be sure you know where you put the installation. Mine is here: C:\Users\Ami\Anaconda3 This was the default.
step 5: Choose these options and install…
step 6: find it We will use Spyder You can right-click and pin Spyder to your Start Menu.
step 7: open spyder (it’s the IDE)
about spyder Spyder is an Integrated Development Environment or IDE. Spyder is excellent for scientific computing using the Python 3 programming language. Spyder has several elements. The first is the Editor, where you can write code. The second element in Spyder is the Console. The Console is where the code that you write in the Editor will be evaluated. In the Console, you can see results from written code. The third element is the Variable Explorer. In this area, you can see the variables that you have defined or that have been defined during evaluation. There is also a File Explorer that allows you to see the files you have created.
spyder example
Hello World In this Lab this week, you will do what every coder does to complete the set- up of a new IDE or programming area. The “Hello World”. Try this: open Spyder 1) In the IPython Console, type print(“Hello World”) and then press enter.
the spyder command console All downloads of Python and all IDEs have a command console (also called command line) option. From this command console, you can type in Python statements and run them by pressing enter. Try it: Enter Spyder On the IPython Console, type print(“3 + 5 = “, 3+5) Then press enter…
Spyder .py files In Spyder and other IDEs, a new file can be created Code can be added to the file (called a .py file because the extension is.py for python) The file can be executed (run) The file can be saved, edited, and referenced later The executed results of a file will then appear in the Console.
find the file in two places: The first is…
the second is inside of spyder: The file explorer
associate .py with python You might get this type of error or warning if you try to open a .py file on your computer (but not while inside of Spyder). If you get this, select the Python program. See the book for details.