Creating and Utilizing an Online Academic Advising Manual Zach Perrine, Academic Advisor Pulaski Technical College North Little Rock, AR
Purpose Design Use Create a document that can change and grow Keep content organized and relevant Use Give all advisors access to this resource
Pulaski Tech at a Glance Spring 2012 Numbers 11,876 Enrolled 50% Full Time 50% Part Time 1000% Enrollment Increase since 1991 Largest two-year college in Arkansas Fifth largest public higher education institute in state
Pulaski Tech at a Glance Degree Types: 29% Occupational/Technical Education 71% General Education Demographics 34% Male 66% Female Average Age: 30 41% White 54% African American 3% Hispanic or Latino 2% Other
Structure of Advising on Campus Seven PTC locations Professional Advisors at three locations Main 4 Full-Time Advisors 1 Part-Time Technical Advisor Coordinator South 1 Full-Time Advisor West 1 Part-Time Advisor
Structure of Advising on Campus After New Student Orientation or Transfer Registration, Advising is not Mandatory Variety of Departmental Advising 90+ degree and certificate programs: Allied Health Culinary Arts Computer Information Systems Early Childhood Education Technical & Industrial 93 Associate, TC, and CP plans (now including DMP)
Structure of Advising on Campus Professional Advisors work with First Year Orientation class (College Seminar) Advising Center Student Outreach PTC Faculty are not required to advise Specific Faculty do advise certain programs Advising Center has part time staff during Registration periods 93 Associate, TC, and CP plans (now including DMP)
Why Go Online? Pulaski Tech is growing Faculty and Staff need to be on the same page Information is constantly changing Keeping track of new rules
Reasons for Blackboard System Familiar to PTC Cost Paying for product Maintenance Support from Distance Learning
Tour of Manual Follow along with link on handout* Username: jdean Password: Letmein123 Click on ADVS0101 Sec. 01 *
Home Page
Module 1: About PTC
Module 2: Advising Basics
Link to Youtube Video
Module 3: Registration
Module 4: Processes & Procedures
Link to ACTS
Link to NACADA
PTC Catalog Revisions
Specific Department Module
Specific Department Module
Quick Resource
Transfer Advising
Successes Advising Information in one place Standardized concepts Ability to share with other faculty/staff Ease of updating Other departments using manual Have used with new advisors Newest Full Time Advisor
Challenges It’s still new! Better utilize tool for training Departmental support could improve Multimedia Aspects need to grow Have to educate faculty/staff on Blackboard
Discussion Does your campus have a similar resource? Has your department used a similar tool? What ideas could you use? What other ideas would you like to see?
Contact Zach Perrine, Academic Advisor 501.812.2762