Week 2 - Monday August 8th , 2016 First 10 “ish” Flipwork on the blog– I will add more later today Kahoot! What do you remember from completing the Frankenstein webquest last week? Top 5 leaders get candy! Review of Romantic art/music What am I learning today? What is the connection between the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and the allusion to it in the letters? What is an epistolary narrative? What is a frame story? How does this type of story telling make the narration more effective for the reader? How am I going to learn it? Allusion mini-lesson/handout Read Letters 1 and 2 together (we will finish 2 tomorrow in class) Let’s view the “Rime in a Nutshell” link Let’s discuss the connection of the poem to the letters Last 10 “ish” Why are the letters so important?
Week 2 - Monday August 1st , 2016 Flipwork Due this Week Monday: Read/listen to the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. Use the link to the text on the blog. There is also a link to an audio version if this helps. For tonight, just read. You will be completing a group project in class using the poem, so it is essential that you read! By Wednesday – done in class; complete graphic organizer comparing Walton, the stranger (Frankenstein) and the Mariner; if you didn’t finish this in class or were absent, then do this at home. It is on the blog. Tuesday: Read Ch. 1 and 2 of Frankenstein; use the link to the text on the blog and/or follow along with the link to the audio. Be ready for a formative assessment in class to check for reading/understanding! Be able to recognize important quotes from the chapters! Wednesday – Read Ch. 3 and 4; this is essential as we move forward with the reading in class; be ready for me to put you on the spot if I call on you! Thursday - in class read Ch. 5 together; read chapter 6 at home Friday – no homework for the weekend!
Romanticism Essentials Romanticism has NOTHING to do with romantic love Romantics respect and fear nature above all else; nature is God and will always win out over humans Romantics believe nature is both inspiring/healing and destructive/dangerous Romantics believe in individuality/nonconformity as a reaction to the industrial age and organized religion Romantic characters are often isolated, alone or stand out because of some exceptional quality good or bad Romantics believe in the inherent good in all humans and that redemption is possible Romantics are optimists and are often overwhelmed by a sublime feeling in awe of nature Romantics seek out nature for answers
Epistolary Narrative An epistolary novel is a novel written as a series of documents. The usual form is letters, although diary entries, newspaper clippings and other documents are sometimes used. Frame Story A frame story (also known as a frame tale or frame narrative) is a literary technique that sometimes serves as a companion piece to a story within a story, whereby an introductory or main narrative is presented, at least in part, for the purpose of setting the stage either for a more emphasized second narrative or for a set of shorter stories. The frame story leads readers from a first story into another, smaller one (or several ones) within it.
Week 2 – Tuesday August 9th , 2016 First 10 “ish” Where the heck is Robert Walton? Geography of the novel – map on the blog! What am I learning today? - What is the connection between the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and the allusion to it in the letters? How am I going to learn it? Work on graphic organizer comparing Walton and the stranger with your partner then let’s discuss (30 min.) Finish letters 2-4 Flipwork: Read Ch. 1 and 2 tonight at home! Expect some type of assessment tomorrow! Last 10 “ish” Let’s discuss the graphic organizer and frame story outline
Robert Walton’s Voyage He seeks the most direct route as a northern passage to the Pacific Ocean; he hopes to be the first one to set foot on unchartered waters/land in the North Pole and give the world access to trade never before made possible. He also wants to find out the secret of the magnetic pull of the compass that sailors use Walton is after knowledge at the expense of his own and his crew’s lives because he seeks glory for himself. Think about why the mariner shot the albatross?
Week 2 – Wednesday August 10th , 2016 First 10 “ish” Access to the new internet network on your phones Formative assessment then let’s discuss the essentials of Ch. 1 and 2 So what does Geneva look like anyway? – An examination of the Swiss map and Lake Geneva as it relates to the novel Frankenstein Examine letters scenes from the two different films (3rd period) What am I learning today? - What is the theme and structure of the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and how does this theme connect to the novel? What particular literary devices stand out in your section? How am I going to learn it? Begin creating “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Story Boards Last 10 “ish” Read Ch. 3 and 4 tonight!
Week 2 – Wednesday August 10th , 2016 Chapter 1 and 2 Formative Assessment Choose one quote from each chapter that you feel best represents the overall importance or meaning of that chapter and explain why in 3-5 complete sentences. You can discuss characterization, foreshadowing, symbolism, Romantic traits or anything else that you think stands out about that particular quote. Write the quote clearly with the page number, then write your explanation.
Week 2 – Thursday August 11th, 2016 First 10 “ish” Formative assessment of Ch. 3 and 4 Examine letter scenes from each version of the film What am I learning today? - What is the theme and structure of the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and how does this theme connect to the novel? How am I going to learn it? Continue/begin “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Story Boards Last 10 “ish” Begin presenting?
Week 2 – Friday August 12th, 2016 First 10 “ish” UGA article What am I learning today? - What diction is emerging as a pattern for Romantic/Gothic writing? How am I going to learn it? Finish presenting storyboards Read Ch. 5 together; read Ch. 6 for Monday! Last 10 “ish” If time Reinforcement: continue watching Hollywood version of the film to establish context (through Ch. 5) No we will not be watching the entire film!