Solar System by Travis Wibirt The age of our solar system is five billion years old. There are eight real planets and one dwarf planet. In five billion years our solar system will blow up.
The Sun The sun makes life on earth possible. Ninety-nine percent of the solar system is the sun. The core of the sun can reach 27,000,ooo degrees Fahrenheit.
Mercury Mercury is the smallest planet since Pluto is a dwarf planet. Mercury resembles the moon. It’s the closest to the sun.
Venus Venus is the same size and mass as earth. Most of the air on Venus is carbon dioxide. Venus’s surface can melt lead.
Earth Earth is seventy-five percent water. Earth used to look like its neighbors mercury, Venus, and mars. We live on Earth.
Mars People thought that mars was a earthlike planet. Mars is also called the red planet. This planet is known to have canyons..
Asteroid Belt Asteroids used to be parts of formation in a solar system. Scientists have found over ninety thousand asteroids. The asteroid belt separates the outer plants and inner planets.
Jupiter Jupiter was the first gas giant. Jupiter is made of hydrogen and helium. A hurricane is always happening on Jupiter called the red spot.
Saturn People in the past have been amazed by it’s rings. In the past, people have thought Saturn was the only planet to have rings, now people know all gas giants have rings. Saturn has 31 moons.
Uranus Uranus is the third gas giant from the sun. The atmosphere on Uranus sucks in red light. This planet spins on its side.
Neptune Neptune is made of hydrogen and water. Its also the second farthest from the sun. The windiest planet is Neptune.
Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet. It’s also the farthest from the sun. From here the sun looks like stars we see at night.
Comets Comets are dirty pieces of ice left from formation long ago. These dirty pieces of ice are clues to the past. These are made of rock ice and frozen gases.
Black holes Black holes are stars that’s light is trapped. Our sun and a Black hole both pull things to it.. A black hole is a star the died. There is a massive black hole at the center of the milky way galaxy.
Space junk There are five thousand five hundred pieces of space junk in space. Space junk is shrouds, hatches, and rocket bodies. Every rocket flight adds space junk.
Stars As a star dies, a super nova happens. Then creates a black hole. Some stars are 200 times bigger than our sun. If a super giant replaced our sun, we would be at Uranus's spot.
Constellations A constellation is a group of stars the can be a picture. The zodiac symbol for Scorpio is a scorpion. The zodiac animals are constellations.
Extra facts There are 170 moons in our solar system. Gravity is from the sun and different on other planets. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way Galaxy.