Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) The Oil Pollution Act was passed after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (which discharged more than 10 million gallons of crude oil into the Prince William Sound, Alaska) to prevent any future oil spills from occuring in the United States. It was signed in 1990 by George H. Bush The law stated that companies must have a "plan to prevent spills that may occur" and have a "detailed containment and cleanup plan" for oil spills. The OPA requires oil storage facilities and vessels to submit to the Federal government plans explaining how they will respond to large discharges. The OPA also requires the development of Area Contingency Plans to prepare and plan for oil spill response on a regional scale.
Under this act, the owner or operator of a facility from which oil is discharged is responsible for the costs associated with cleanup from the spill and any damages resulting from it. If the responsible party is unknown or can not pay, and Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund will provide up to one billion dollars for any oil spill. The Office of Pipeline Safety was established under the act that is responsible for onshore pipelines. They attempt to reduce the risk of potential pipeline spills, diminish the environmental consequences of such skills, and ensure a quick and efficient cleanup.