Chapter 2 The Fall
Section 1 The Root of Sin
Tree of Life T/K of G & E Adam Eve Garden of Eden The Commandment: Gen 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”
A. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil actual fruit ? symbolic 1) Jesus’ words Mt 15:11 “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
2) God’s viewpoint - Would the God of love test humans so mercilessly by a means that could cause their death? - Would God, the loving Parent, create a poisonous fruit to look so attractive (Gen 3: 6) and place it where His children could reach it so easily?
3) Human viewpoint - usually, life food; but in this case, life the fruit - How can something one eats cause a sin that can be transmitted to one’s descendants? Therefore, the fruit was not actual, but symbolic.
1. The Tree of Life the hope of the Israelites in the O.T. Age (Prov 13:12) Tree of Life the hope of Christians in the N.T. Age (Rev 22:14) the hope of Adam before the Fall (Gen 3:24) Since Adam’s Fall, fallen people have set their hopes on attaining what Adam failed to attain — The Tree of Life. The Tree of Life symbolizes a man who has realized the ideal of creation (perfected Adam).
2. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil woman (Eve) prior to the Fall T/K of G&E
B. The Identity of the Serpent 1) Conversed with human beings and caused the Fall a spiritual being 2) Knew of God’s Will 3) Rev 12:9 he was thrown down to the earth originally lived in heaven 4) Serpent = Satan has been turning the hearts of people toward evil since the Fall angel (2 Pet 2:4) Archangel Lucifer = Satan (Is 14:12)
C. The Fall of the Angel and the Fall of Human Beings The Crime of the Angel Jude :6,7 fornication 2. The Crime of the Human Beings Gen 2:25 and Gen 3:7 fornication Job 31:33 Adam concealed his lower parts; his blemish was in his lower parts. People often regard the sexual act with shame and even contempt.
3. The Illicit Sexual Act between the Angel and the Human Beings (Jn 8:44; Mt 3:7; Mt 23:33) Jn 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Mt 3:7 … “ You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” Mt 23:33 “ You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? ”
D. The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - The fruit of the T/K of G & E the love of Eve love centered on God multiplying good children = good fruit Eve love centered on Satan multiplying evil children = evil fruit - Eve’s eating of the fruit of the T/K of G & E satanic love relationship with the angel
E. The Root of Sin The root of sin was that the first human ancestors had an illicit sexual relationship with an angel (symbolized by a serpent). Evidence that the Root of Sin Stems from Sexual Immorality 1) Original sin has been passed from one generation to the next. \ the root of sin was solidified by a sexual relationship that binds one in ties of blood.
2) Adultery and fornication are regarded as cardinal sins by religions, which emphasize the need to purge sin. emphasis on the virtues of chastity and restraint 3) The Israelites performed the rite of circumcision as a condition for sanctification. 4) Sexual promiscuity is a principal cause of the downfall of numerous heroes, patriots and nations. 5) The inability to prevent the plague of sexual promiscuity
The Motivation and Process of the Fall Section 2 The Motivation and Process of the Fall
A. The Creation of Angels, Their Mission, and Their Relationship to Human Beings 1) Created prior to any other creation (Gen 1:26) 2) As servants and messengers (Rev 22:9; Heb 1:14; Lk 1:31; Acts 12:7-10)
A. The Creation of Angels, Their Mission, and Their Relationship to Human Beings 1) Created prior to any other creation (Gen 1:26) 2) As servants and messengers (Rev 22:9; Heb 1:14; Lk 1:31; Acts 12:7-10) to honor and praise God (Rev 5:11,12; Rev 7:11,12) 3) To come under the dominion of human beings (Gen 1:28; 1 Cor 6:3)
B. The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall monopolized God’s love (before Adam and Eve) God AA Lucifer A E excessive desire for love felt a decrease of love (after Adam and Eve) power of unprincipled love power of unprincipled love premature desire for sexual love spiritual illicit sexual relationship Spiritual Fall Physical Fall illicit sexual relationship Eve feelings of dread and wisdom
The Power of Love, the Power of the Principle, and God’s Commandment Section 3 The Power of Love, the Power of the Principle, and God’s Commandment
The Fall from the Viewpoint of the Power of Love and the Power of the Principle power of unprincipled love power of the Principle
Power of the Principle Power of love Why? possibility of the Fall Love is the source and wellspring of life and happiness. Although God created human beings based on the Principle, He governs us through love. Accordingly, in order for love to fulfill its proper role, its power must be stronger than the power of the Principle.
B. The Purpose of the Commandment as an Object of Faith 1) To prevent the Fall 2) For the completion of the human portion of responsibility to inherit creatorship and become the lord of the creation
C. The Period Necessitating the Commandment God’s Commandment was necessary only while they were immature. Power of love of the AA Power of love of a perfected husband (Adam) and wife (Eve)
The Consequences of the Human Fall Section 4 The Consequences of the Human Fall
A. Satan and Fallen Humanity the world of God’s sovereignty God’s lineage Eve God Adam child the world of Satan’s sovereignty Satan’s lineage Fall Satan Eve Adam child
Jn 12:31 “...the ruler of this world...” 2 Cor 4:4 ...the god of this world... Rom 8:19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.
B. Satan’s Activities in Human Society evil spirit persons spirit self physical self evil physical actions Mt 25:41 “ ‘...the devil and his angels’ ” Lk 22:3 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot...
C. Good and Evil from the Viewpoint of Purpose Although good and evil may take the same form, their true nature is manifest in the fruits yielded in accordance with the divergent purpose they pursue. evil good God Satan desire, love, freedom, wisdom, words, etc.
D. The Works of Good Spirits and Evil Spirits God good spirit persons good angels Evil Spirits Satan evil spirit persons evil angels person sense of peace and righteousness health anxiety, fear and selfishness sickness
E. Sin Sin is a violation of heavenly law which, by forming a common base with Satan, sets up a condition enabling GRA with him. Original sin (root of sin) sin derived from the spiritual and physical Fall of the first human ancestors
2) Hereditary sin (trunk of sin) sin of the ancestors descendants 3) Collective sin (branches of sin) sin for which a person is responsible as a member of a group 4) Individual sin (leaves of sin) sin committed by oneself
F. The Original (Fundamental) Fallen Nature The fundamental nature that gives rise to all the fallen natures of fallen humanity is called the original (in the sense of fundamental) fallen nature. Failing to take God’s standpoint The Archangel failed to love Adam with the same heart and perspective as God. selfishness
2) Leaving one’s proper position The Archangel desired to enjoy the same position of love in the human world as he had in the angelic world. to leave one’s own position and limits out of an unrighteous desire e.g., fornication, adultery
3) Reversing dominion The Archangel dominated Eve, and then Eve dominated Adam. arrogance
4) Multiplying the criminal act Eve spread her sin to others by inducing Adam to fall. evil habits and drawing others into evil action
Section 5 Freedom and the Fall
A. The Meaning of Freedom from the Viewpoint of the Principle free will (SS) free action (HS): perfect freedom manifestation of the original mind Freedom of the original mind 1) No freedom outside the Principle 2) No freedom without responsibility 3) No freedom without actual results
B. Freedom, the Fall, and Restoration Freedom of the original mind brings about only good results. The Fall was not because of freedom of the original mind. Fall by the power of unprincipled love Adam Eve freedom Restoration by the power of Principled love freedom line of the Fall
Section 6 The Reason God Did Not Intervene in the Fallen Act of the First Human Ancestors
A. To Maintain the Absoluteness and Perfection of the Principle of Creation realm of God’s direct dominion Perfection God realm of God’s indirect dominion God, the Creator: absolute and perfect Principle of Creation: absolute and perfect
B. That God Alone Be the Creator As the Creator, God’s intervention gives the value of creation to any being or act. Therefore, God intervenes in beings or acts only within the Principle. If God had intervened in Adam and Eve’s fallen act value of creation recognition Satan would stand as a creator.
C. To Make Human Beings the Lords of Creation Qualification: creatorship If God were to dominate directly and intervene in the actions of human beings during the growing period ignoring the human portion of responsibility creatorship lords of the creation
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