LCC 2700: Intro to Computational Media Doug Engelbart LCC 2700: Intro to Computational Media
Doug Engelbart (1960’s) “Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework” 1962 Demo of system 1968 Like McLuhan sees new technology as an extension of human powers, new media forms allow new thinking power Like V. Bush, uses his own research process as the model Wants to represent and retrieve information beyond linear texts Wants to turn the computer into a desktop machine for intellectual work and collaboration
Mother of All Demos 1968 Starting point: TIMESHARING Graphic Video Display Keyboard hooked up to a monitor Programmers and programming languages Notecards His own research / writing process Vannevar Bush’s idea of the memex Visual outlines linked to documents Editable lists & hierarchies Multiple views of document(s) Linked files Mouse driven pointer (he calls it a “bug”) Shared viewing, editing across a network Navigation by hierarchies of menus Video conferencing Chording keyboard Formatting commands for hard copies