Non-Infectious Diseases (and a review of infectious)
The Road to Death So Far…. Pathogens and Diseases they Cause Questions from the Burrito Book ppt? Table – how to do it Transmission and Prevention Vector vs. Carrier Immune system Active vs. Passive Immunity History: Edward Jenner and Dr. Snow
Vector vs. Carrier A vector merely transports the disease but can’t get it. A carrier is infected but will not show symptoms of it.
Leading Cause of Death in US Heart disease: 631,636 Cancer: 559,888 Stroke : 137,119 (CDC, 2006)
Active vs. Passive Immunity Active – you got sick Passive – you got a vaccine or got the antibodies from your mom
Dr. Snow and the Pump
Non-Infectious Disease Not caused by pathogens Cannot be transmitted to other people Main Catagories: Genetics Life-style Environmental factors
Genetic or Hereditary NCD Determined by genes Congenital disease – born with the gene Can be a random mutation Some symptoms present at birth Others don’t show up until later in life Familial Disease Tendency - Disease runs in family
Types of Genetic NCDs Chromosome Errors Down syndrome Born with an extra chromosome
Genetic NCD’s Recessive gene disorders Need recessive gene from both parents Can be a carrier Cystic fibrosis & sickle cell anemia
Genetic NCD’s Sex-linked disorders Linked to x chromosome (female) Can be recessive in females Color blindness, hemophilia, & muscular dystrophy
Environmental Risk Factors - You don’t choose it, you just are exposed to it Altitude Trauma Radiation Sunlight, radon War and accidents Pollution Modern products Outgassing Poisons Manufacturing wastes Secondhand smoke
Lifestyle Risk Factors - Your choices kill you. Food Choices Obesity Exercise Alcohol Tobacco Stress Sleep Stupidity
Lifestyle related Disease Cardiovascular Disease – genetic + bad habits Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Heart Attack, Stroke, Arrhythmias, Heart Valve Disorder, Varicose Veins Type 2 Diabetes – can be genetic, but usually diet based Cancer – genetics + activating toxin
Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection. Causes/Prevention Oddly, it’s all a matter of Inflammation. Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection. It is trying to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens to begin the healing process Inflammation is the beginning of most every disease we have.
Discussion Define HDL, LDL, Cholesterol. How are they different? How are they similar? Describe angiogenesis. What does it do? Why does this help increase heart health? Describe the symptoms of heart disease.
What is Cancer? Define the 5 different types of cancer? What is the difference between benign & malignant tumors? What is metastasis? How does it occur? What causes cancer?
Cancer Types Skin Lung Mouth Throat Leukemia Breast Colon Cervix Prostate Testicular
Cancer Types Risk Factors Skin L, E, G Lung L, E, Mouth L, E Throat L, E Leukemia L, E, G Breast L, E, G Colon E, G Cervix L Prostate L, G Testicular L, G
Signs & Symptoms Unexplained weight loss Fever Fatigue Pain Skin changes Thickening/ lumps Unusual bowel movements Unusual bleeding
Diagnosis Early detection!!!!!!!! Screening Self-test Pap-test Cervical examination Colonoscopy Looks inside colon Biopsy Removal of cell/ tissue for examination
Treatment Chemotherapy Radiation Therapy Surgery Drugs that kill cancer cell Often taken in combination Pill or injection form Radiation Therapy Radiation can stop growth/ division of cancer cells Surgery Removal of tumor or cancer cells
Prevention Avoid tobacco. Avoid alcohol. Protect against the sun. Avoid chemicals/ carcinogens. Increase fiber intake. Reduce fiber intake. Eat balanced diet. Self-test. Get regular physical activity. Surgery