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Agenda ELPAC Update Interim Reclassification Guidance Parent Notification Letters (to add LTEL) CA Dashboards and English Learners ELLevation
Think about all the things you are currently doing, thinking, and wishing for the last half of the school year. Record some of these on the form provided. You will select some to share with colleagues through a mingling activity (Tea Party).
English Learner Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)
See handout titled “ELPAC Proficiency Level Descriptors vs See handout titled “ELPAC Proficiency Level Descriptors vs. ELPAC Performance Levels”
The PLDs depict student knowledge, skills, and abilities across a continuum, identifying what ELs know and can do at early stages and upon exit from each of three proficiency levels: Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging. A proficiency level does not identify a student (e.g., “Emerging student”), but rather identifies what a student knows and can do at a particular stage of English language development.
Commonly Asked ELPAC Questions When is a proctor needed? Can other students be in the room while the listening or speaking is being given one-on-one? What happens if there is a disruption while the audio is playing? How does a district set up a Moodle Key and coordinate calibration sets by test examiners?
Commonly Asked ELPAC Questions
CA Student Accessibility for the ELPAC
Unlisted Resources As LEAs conduct IEP meetings to determine the appropriate accommodations for students taking the Summative ELPAC, there may be an unlisted resource (e.g., pausing and/or repeating the audio) that IEP teams are considering. Requests for unlisted resources must be made to the CDE English Language Proficiency and Spanish Assessments Office by phone at (916) 319-0784 or by email a minimum of ten business days before the student’s first day of testing. The CDE will reply to the request within four business days. “If the CDE determines the unlisted resource changes the construct being measured, the unlisted resources will not be approved but may still be used by the pupil and the pupil will receive an individual score report. The pupil will not be counted as participating in statewide testing, which will impact the accountability participation rate indicator for the LEA”. (5 CCR Section 854.9)
Interim Reclassification Guidance Assessment of English language proficiency (ELP), using an objective assessment instrument, including, but not limited to, the state test of English language development. ELPAC results: LEAs determine their own ELPAC threshold scores, in combination with the general performance level descriptors (until the SBE approves final threshold scores in fall 2018). SBE has approved preliminary overall threshold scores. Approved preliminary threshold scores CELDT retest scores: These scores can be used for reclassification through May 31, 2018. If students did not meet the reclassification criteria, they must take the ELPAC. Jan. 31, 2018 is the last day that LEAs can administer the CELDT retest if it is being scored locally.
Interim Reclassification Guidance 2. Teacher evaluation, including, but not limited to, a review of the student’s curriculum mastery. 3. Parent opinion and consultation. Remain unchanged
Interim Reclassification Guidance 4. Comparison of student performance in basic skills against an empirically established range of performance in basic skills based on the performance of English proficient students of the same age. Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Scores OR Local Assessments identified by LEAs Senate Bill 463 Lara is currently under review and could impact reclassification criteria.
Legislative Update Effective January 1, 2018
AB 81 (Gonzalez Fletcher): English Learners Identification: Notice Current law requires a local educational agency (LEA) to provide each parent with notice of the assessment of his or her child’s English language proficiency. AB 81 expands the requirements of the notice by adding the following information: whether the child is or at risk of becoming a long-term English learner (LTEL), the manner in which English language development (ELD) instruction will meet the educational strengths and needs of the pupil, and the manner in which ELD instruction will help the pupil who is or at-risk of becoming LTEL develop English proficiency and meet academic standards. The bill authorizes LEAs to use local definitions for students who are or at risk of becoming LTELs so long as those definitions are broader than existing statutory definitions. Education Code Section 313.1 Long-Term English Learner: An English learner student to which all of the following apply: (1) is enrolled on Census Day (the first Wednesday in October) in grades 6 to 12, inclusive; and (2) has been enrolled in a U.S. school for six or more years; and (3) has remained at the same English language proficiency level for two or more consecutive prior years, or has regressed to a lower English language proficiency level, as determined by the CELDT; and (4) for students in grades 6 to 9, inclusive, has scored at the “Standard Not Met” level on the prior year administration of the CAASPP-ELA. In addition, please note the following: – (1) students for whom one or more of the required testing criteria are not available are categorically determined to be an LTEL; and – (2) the assessment component of LTEL determination for students in grades 10 – 12, inclusive, is based solely on the CELDT criteria outlined above.
Title I Parent Notification Letter
Sample letters in English and Spanish are now available on the Title III Parent Notification Web page at
Revise Parent Notification Letter 1. Access the Parent Notification Letter Sample provided by CDE 2. Select a recorder who will make a copy for your table group to work on. Label your copy with a group number. 3. Discuss with your group possible ways to insert required LTEL information into the sample letter. 4. Recorder will insert and highlight this information into the sample template. 5. Choose a speaker who will share your ideas with the whole group.
CA Dashboard Presented by the Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division February 15, 2017
Overview of the California Model The California Model uses percentiles to create a five-by-five grid (giving 25 results), which combines “Status” and “Change” to produce a “Performance Level” (represented by a color) for each state indicator. Both Status and Change are equally weighted.
Overview of the Standard Setting Example: An LEA or school with a “High” Status and an “Increase” in Change will receive an overall performance of Green for most indicators. Change Level Declined Significantly Declined Maintained Increased Increased Significantly Very High Yellow Green Blue High Orange Medium Low Red Very Low Status
CA School Dashboard State Indicators Chronic Absenteeism Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) Local Indicators Academic Performance Graduation Rate College / Career As we discuss integrated ELD, I’d like for you to focus on two of your Dashboard indicators: The ELPI and the Academic Performance Indicator. As you know, the ELPI measures students progress in attaining English proficiency while the Academic Performance indicator includes student subgroup performance on meeting the state’s academic content standards.
Definition of English Learners in the New Accountability System State Indicator EL Inclusion Criteria English Learner Progress Current EL annual CELDT* test takers (grades K–12) plus students reclassified in the prior year Academic ELs (grades 3–8) plus students who have been Reclassified fluent English proficient (RFEP) for four years or less Graduation Students with an EL status at any time in grades 9–12 College/Career Suspension Current EL students (grades K–12) Chronic Absenteeism Students who are English learners at any time during the academic year. This shows the varying definitions of the EL student group in the various state indicators approved by the SBE. Also, note that the EL student group is the only group with a dedicated indicator, the EL Progress Indicator. *CELDT: California English Language Development Test **This definition is based on what is permitted in the Every Student Succeeds Act
CA School Dashboard Local Indicators Basic Conditions Teacher qualifications Safe and clean buildings Textbooks for all students Implementation of Academic Standards Parent Involvement and Engagement School Climate Surveys As we discuss integrated ELD, I’d like for you to focus on two of your Dashboard indicators: The ELPI and the Academic Performance Indicator. As you know, the ELPI measures students progress in attaining English proficiency while the Academic Performance indicator includes student subgroup performance on meeting the state’s academic content standards. Local Indicators are based on information collected by LEAs. Districts receive one of three performance levels for each indicator: Met, Not met, Not Met for Two Years
English Learner Progress Indicator
Five by Five Colored Grid
Academic Indicator Presented by the Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division February 15, 2017
Who Receives an Academic Indicator? The Academic Indicator applies to all LEAs and schools with grades three through eight assessment results. Grade eleven results are not included in this Indicator. Rather, the grade eleven results are included in the College/Career Indicator. Only LEAs, schools, and student groups with 30 or more valid assessment scores in both the Status and Change will receive a performance level. (Valid scores are determined using the inclusion/exclusion rules for the Academic Indicator.) (Note: County offices and alternatives schools do not receive determinations on the Academic Indicator.) California Department of Education
Formula for Academic Indicator Status The Distance from Level 3 (DF3) is used for Status Change: Change uses current and prior year DF3. Change Formula: 2017 DF3 average minus 2016 DF3 average. California Department of Education
CAASPP Assessment Results Versus DF3 CAASPP Results The CAASPP assessment results show the percent of students in each Achievement Level (i.e., 12% in Standard Exceeded). All students who tested are included in the assessment results. All students scoring within the range of Standard Met are reported together A student who scores the minimum for Standard Met contributes the same as the student who scores the maximum for Standard Met. California Department of Education
CAASPP Assessment Results Versus DF3 (Cont.) DF3 Results DF3 shows the average distance from Level 3. Only the results of students who meet accountability inclusion criteria are incorporated into the DF3 calculation. A student who scores the minimum for Standard Met will contribute differently than the student who scores the maximum for Standard Met. Minimum Score: Neutral contribution Maximum Score: Positive contribution California Department of Education
California Department of Education Accountability Rules Accountability uses a number of rules to either include or exclude student scores This may result in a different number of students being used in the calculation for the Academic Indicator than what is reported on the CAASPP Web site. The following slides review some of the major rules used for accountability in the Academic Indicator. California Department of Education
Accountability Rules (Cont.) A student must be continuously enrolled to be included in the calculations of the Academic Indicator. (Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment from Fall Census Day [first Wednesday in October] to the testing date without a gap in enrollment of more than 30 consecutive calendar days.) The first day of testing is the first day that any student starts an English language arts/literacy (ELA) or mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative test at the school. California Department of Education
Accountability Rules (Cont.) English Learners (ELs) who have been enrolled in a U.S. school for less than one year will not be included in the calculations for ELA or mathematics. (These students are exempt from taking ELA CAT and Performance Task, but must take the mathematics) Students who do not take the assessment due to a parent waiver will not be included in the performance level calculation for this indicator (note: they will be included in calculation of the participation rate). California Department of Education
Distance from Level 3 Presented by the Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division February 15, 2017
Minimum Scale Score Required to Achieve Level 3 Grade 6 Example Step 1: Retrieve minimum scale score required to achieve Level 3, by grade. Grade Level - ELA - Minimum Scale Score Required to Achieve Level 3 - MATH - Grade 6 2531 2552 California Department of Education
Grade 6 Class Example (Cont.) Student Grade Level - ELA - Student’s Earned Scale Score - ELA - Minimum Level 3 Scale Score Sally 6 2566 2531 Billy 2668 Jason 2415 Debbie 2669 Sandy 2499 Donna 2690 David Jack 2601 Baljeet 2441 Dorothy 8 2739 Difference Between Earned Scale Score and Minimum Level 3 Scale Score California Department of Education
Grade 6 Class Example = DF3 -30 Step 3: Calculate the school-wide average. Average = Sum of all student distances from Level 3 Total number of valid test scores For Grade 6 Class: (35) + (137) + (-116) + (138) + (-32) + (-141) + (0) + (-230) + (-90) + (-1) 10 valid test scores = DF3 -30 California Department of Education
Five-by-Five Colored Grid
ELA Status and Change for Ruby Middle School 2017 DF3 average is +33.8 Change: Step 1: Obtain prior year (2016) DF3 average:+30.1 Step 2: Calculate Change Current Average minus Prior Average 33.8 minus 30.1 = +3.7
Five-by-Five Colored Grid Ruby Middle School Status = +33.8 and Change = +3.7 Performance Level = Green Level Declined Significantly by more than 15 points Declined by 1 to 15 points Maintained Declined by less than 1 point or increased by less than 7 points Increased by 7 to less than 20 points Increased Significantly by 20 points or more Very High 45 or more points above Yellow Green Blue High 10 points above to less than 45 points above Orange Medium 5 points below to less than 10 points above Low More than 5 points below to 70 points below Red Very Low More than 70 points below California Department of Education
Accessing the Dashboard The Dashboard can be accessed on the CDE California Accountability Model & School Dashboard Web page at The Dashboard contains four reports (see handout): Equity Report Status/Change Report Detailed Reports Student Group Reports
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