Year 6 HEAD OF YEAR/HOMEROOM TEACHERS/Parents night September 6 2017
YEAR 6 TEAM Kenneth So Bruce Mcnalty Rosanna Yeung Leslie Chan Head of Year Kenneth So Y6 Care Bruce Mcnalty Y6 Hope Rosanna Yeung Y6 Joy Leslie Chan Y6 Peace Julia Tsui Y6 Respect Isabella Liu Y6 Trust Nicholas Binge Y6 Virtue Florentina Mouty
PASTORAL LADDER Deputy Principal (Pastoral) Subjectteacher Improvement pathway / Tracking program to be applied Parents contacted Demerit given (if necessary) Behavioral concerns to be recorded on portal. Parents contacted (if necessary) Deputy Principal (Pastoral) Subjectteacher Homeroom teacher Head of Year Principal Deputy Principal (Guidance) Students counselled. Parents contacted (if necessary). Portal updated. Counsellors/Social Worker/ Outside Agencies/ Parent Info Sessions/ Coaching/Mentoring Programmes
HOUSE POINTS SYSTEM Reflect students’ positive performance Linked to the learner profile Improved academic performance / conduct Good citizenship / leadership Contribution to school Contribution to House Events Stated on Report Cards Awards given in Whole School Assembly
ANTI-BULLYING POLICY Bullied trusted adult HOY STAGE 1 Bullied trusted adult HOY 1 school day of the report being made. STAGE 2 HOY Bullies Case summary & action plan HOY review meetings STAGE 3 HOY students & parents Further action plan HOY Deputy Principal(DP) STAGE 4 DP & HOY students and parents Behavioral contract DP Principal.
CREATIVITY, ACTIVITY & SERVICE (CAS) Details and proofs ManageBac account One MINOR Service One MAJOR Creativity or Action
CREATIVITY, ACTIVITY & SERVICE (CAS) No recognition of hours as a measure of successful completion One MAJOR(creativity or activity-focused) CAS requirement club/team in school; OR make them use their creative thinking / intellectual abilities, e.g. English writing club, art club, music band, choir, etc. No process journal is needed One MINOR (service-focused)CAS requirement one-off service activity, e.g. Flag-selling (30/9)
CAS TRIP Date: May 8-12, 2017 Destination: Hong Kong Supervisor: Dr. Zhou (Director of Chinese Studies) Leader: Mr. Ching (Head of Technology) Fee: TBC CAS Trip Evening: Sep 28, 2017, 6pm
YEAR 6 CAMP Theme Departure: Wed, October 11, 2017, 9:00am from school Develop students’ leadership powers, collaborative skills, self- discipline & increase students’ self-awareness of others’ needs Departure: Wed, October 11, 2017, 9:00am from school Return: Fri, October 13, 2017, 3:30pm at school Location Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp, Yuen Long, N.T. Fee: TBC Activities Hiking Archery BBQ Night game Night walk Team-building games Junior Olympic games
HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS Approximately N x 10 mins per evening Approximately 5 hours per week in total Students record homework in the handbook Homework should be on teachers’ Weebly/Google Classroom
ACADEMIC RISK Achieve an average of 4 across all subjects have declining grades are underachieving relative to their capabilities Actions from school: Students and parents are invited to attend a meeting with deputy principal, Mr Harrison, academic staff & HOY. Concrete & practical action plan is requested. Targets and support are put in place and reviewed. Teachers should write to parents via Oasis and put in place any necessary support measures well in advance of report cards being published.
USEFUL LINKS VSA Learning VSA Portal Homeroom bulletin Homeroom bulletin 2N1pa/ Weebly of Mr. So
COMMUNICATION CHANNELS Parent/Teacher/Student (PTS) days Oct 18 2017, Oct 20 2017, 7 Feb 2018, 20 Apr 2018 8am-4pm, 9/F Gym Booking Through the Portal 2-3 weeks in advance MYP Learning Journey Jun 27 2018 MYP Course Overview Oct 11, 6 pm, Hall Coffee Mornings 3/F cafeteria, Staff Lounge
Q & A Thank you