Danube-INCO.NET Advancing Research and Innovation in the Danube Region Elke Dall, Centre for Social Innovation PA8 Steering Group meeting Chisinau, 2014-04-08/09
Administrative framework Coordination and Support Action for International Cooperation in Research and Innovation Project start: January 1, 2014 Project duration: 36 months Received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7) under grant agreement no 609497 EC funding: approx. 2 mio €
19 partners …
from 14 countries …
implementing a structured project WP1 Project Management WP2 Policy Dialogue WP3 Tackling Societal Challenges: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in a Bio-based Economy WP4 Analytical Evidence on Research and Innovation in the Danube Region WP5 Promoting Innovative and Inclusive Danube Societies WP6 Scaling up Danube Funding Mechanisms WP7 Communication and Dissemination
coordinating and supporting Sharing information on projects and their results, networking and funding opportunities, etc.
communicating Reach us at office@danube-inco.net www.danube-inco.net (as communication platform) Register for the newsletter Join us on social media Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
policy dialogue: cross fertilization Analyzing activities in EUSDR PAs Cross-fertilization between PA7 and PA8 -> working groups, travel costs (3 meetings) Priority setting PA7 and other PAs (3 meetings) “environmental technologies and energy efficiency” “support to the coordination of funding / DRRIF” Policy Framework coordination Innovation Union & ERA in the Danube Region
selected deliverables Co-patenting and co-publishing analysis (ZSI) Study on cooperation barriers (MPI) Policy Mix Peer Reviews (RCISD) Smart Specialization peer reviews (IPTS) Danube Technology Transfer Centers (Steinbeis) Support to ‘Project Labelling’ (UNS) Creation of a funding parties platform, scaling up of joint funding mechanisms (Eureka?), support to DRRIF, Roadmap towards Article 185 for Danube
project labelling Suggestion of an approach to PA7 Steering Group “labelling” on the relevance for the EUSDR Already existing approach: “flagships” “labelling” project outlines for specific calls (Horizon 2020; territorial cooperation programmes; etc. – based on a pre-selection) Joint approaches (of several PAs) necessary / possible?
Danube funding mechanisms Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund = milestone of PA7 Feasibility study Support available also through Danube-INCO.NET Set-up of a “funding partners platform” and budget for meetings Exploration and dialogue for using the EUREKA mechanism for joint activities Sharing information about calls and financing possibilities
creating and improving networks in research and innovation
Thank you for your attention! Elke Dall Centre for Social Innovation dall@zsi.at; coordinator@danube-inco.net Thank you for your attention!
Tasks and task leaders WP1 Project Management T 1.1 ZSI T 1.1 Consortium Management T 1.2 Financial Management T 1.3 Communication with EC including reporting T 1.4 Quality Assurance WP 2 Policy Dialogue BMWF T 2.1 EUSDR policy dialogue BMWF&ZSI T 2.2 Policy Framework Coordination RCSID T 2.3 Innovation Union and ERA in the Danube Region DLR/BMBF WP 3 Tackling Societal Challenges: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in a Bio-based Economy CEI T 3.1 Identifying and promoting actions and stakeholders T 3.2 Clustering and Triple Helix networking SIG T 3.3 Pilot Activities WP 4 Analytical Evidence on Research and Innovation in the Danube Region T 4.1 Monitoring research and innovation cooperation BIC T 4.2 Barriers to cooperation in the Danube Region MPI T 4.3 Policy mix peer review WP 5 Promoting Innovative Danube Societies Steinbeis T 5.1 Smart Specialized Danube IPTS T 5.2 Danube Technology Transfer Centers T 5.3 Development and "Labelling" of Danube Region projects and proposals UNS WP 6 Scaling-up Danube Funding Mechanisms T 6.1 Funding Parties Platform FFG T 6.2 Scaling up joint funding mechanisms T 6.3 DRRIF Info Centers / Secretariat WP 7 Communication and Dissemination T7.1 Coordination of dissemination T7.2 Dissemination material MIZS T7.3 Content management
Sharing information Creating a Platform – www.danube-inco.net – and a newsletter which improve the information exchange on Research and Innovation in the Danube Region
Addressing different stakeholders Creating a database of organizations active in the regions, mapping stakeholders and projects Policy dialogue and policy framework coordination Highlighting research and innovation actors and projects Focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy for the bioeconomy
Bringing people together Creating an event calendar and organizing several events on different levels (policy stakeholders, actors active in technology transfer, smart specialization or other support activities for research and innovation in the region)
Increasing funding possibilities Sharing the information about calls for proposals and other funding opportunities, working on the scaling up of Danube Funding Mechanisms by creating a funding partners platform, preparatory steps to implement a Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund (DRRIF) and supporting the “labelling” process for EUSDR projects