Come to Havre and join us for a lot of learning and have a lot of fun too! We have been known to have a lot of fun and take home some awesome prizes!! Presentations: ICAC / HUMAN TRAFFICKING - Frank Billmayer, Undersheriff, Blaine County DRUG PRESENTATION / DRE – Jon Ritterbach, TF Agent, Matt Finley, MHP NARCAN – Free dose given away – Jana McPherson-Hauer, RN,BSN ACTIVE SHOOTER – Safariland – Joshua Holt, SRO Havre Police Dept. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / STRANGULATION – Natale Adorni, MLEA P.O.S.T. Credits are available Hosted by the MTLEIRA Board Members When: April 17 2018, 8:00 AM – 4:00 on April 18, 2018 Early check in Monday from 3:00-5:00. Where: Havre Inn and Suites 1425 Hwy 2 NW Havre, MT 406-265-2888 A block of rooms have been reserved under MTLEIRA Conference Cost: $50 Register: Complete the information below by Wednesday, April 9, 2018. One registration form per attendee from your agency: Name: _______________________________________ Agency: ___________________________ Agency Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email:________________________________________ Mail to: MTLEIRA, Sherri Turner Valley County Sheriff’s Office, 501 Court Square #10 Glasgow, MT 59230 Make checks payable to: MTLEIRA (tax ID#32-0276057) Will you be attending the FREE banquet provided by MTLEIRA YES / NO Please make a choice for your dinner selection: Chicken / Beef Friends & Family are welcome to attend the banquet. Dinner prices are listed below. Please include their name, dinner choice and payment when you submit your registration form. Name:________________________________________________ Chicken $18 / Beef $25 MTLEIRA CONFERENCE CANCELLATION POLCY: Due to the costs incurred by the MTLEIRA prior to the conference, refunds will only be issued for cancellations received through April 5, 2017. No refunds will be issued after that date. Refunds will be made within 30 days after the conclusion of the conference. Registration fees will not be refunded for a person who fails to attend the conference. 2018 Spring Conference April 17-18 ,2018 Havre Inn and Suites Havre, MT 406-265-2888