Factors affecting incentives to migrate NPV = St0 = Salary at origin StD = Salary at destination C = Cost of the move r = rate of time preference T = length of time to recoup investment
Factors affecting incentives to migrate NPV = St0 = decreases incentive to migrate StD = increases incentive to migrate Ct => decreases incentive to migrate r => decreases incentive to migrate T => increases incentive to migrate
Length of Move and migration
Age and migration Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004
Marital Status and migration Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004
Education and migration Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004
Presence of children and migration Based on data on moves across states from the Current Population Survey, 2004
Household size and migration Based on data on moves across counties from the Current Population Survey, 1994