Overview of the Climate and Energy Team’s recent work Jenny Banks 17 September 2018 Climate & Energy Team in 2014
Economics and defending the Climate Change Act Climate Change Act – austerity/recession – heavy scrutiny of costs and impact on economy Joint statement - Announcement on 4th carbon budget mentioned ‘business voices’ impact on the decision Two reports looking at economics of climate change – May - Misunderstanding Climate Policy – Guardian blog, FT blog, quoted in New Climate Economy Report. September – Economics of Climate Change Policy in the UK – ongoing meetings with politicians on this report. Including Danny Alexander. EU Climate and Energy Package – binding GHG target (40%). Non binding EU and Renewables targets (both 27%), interconnection target. 17 September 2018 Climate & Energy Team in 2014
Energy efficiency and heat Energy efficiency and demand reduction – built into pretty much all our team’s communication on energy Disappointment on the EU 2030 package - no binding target (same for renewables) – UK gov resistance Making energy efficiency a National Infrastructure Priority – Labour have picked this up and Lib Dem manifesto is strong on energy efficiency Infrastructure bill – Zero Carbon Homes standards – WWF part of coalition lobbying against watered down standards for new build homes – Zoe’s blog got 600 hits Zoe gave evidence to a parliamentary enquiry on electricity demand reduction – drawing on a WWF report on this from 2013 and my work on the capacity market 17 September 2018 Climate & Energy Team in 2014
Decarbonising UK electricity Shift from a focus on shale gas to a focus on phasing out coal. Coal = twice emissions of gas. UK – old power stations. Need investment to keep running. Huge opportunity to get rid of coal in the UK. 2014 and 2015 are key years on the future of coal. Owners must make a decision by end of 2015 whether to commit to closing or life extending Engaging with all energy companies on this. Lib Dems have already committed to closing coal by 2025. Cameron sort of committed to phasing out coal. Labour… Marine renewables – policy position paper – challenging to balance marine environment concerns with need for renewables 17 September 2018 Climate & Energy Team in 2014
Climate & Energy Team in 2014 17 September 2018 Climate & Energy Team in 2014