SPC/GTZ Regional Programme Adaptation to Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region Project Status
Project Objective The capacities of member countries of the SPC to cope with the adverse effects of climate change and to avoid deforestation are strengthened, with sustainable management of land based natural resources as a fundamental element …as recommended at HOAFS 2006
INDICATORS REGIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL 1. The sector programmes and working teams of SPC Land Resources Division systematically integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation concerns into strategic approach and advisory services REGIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL POLICY STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION CA P AC I T Y D E V L OPMENT SPC utilize the new services and knowledge provided by SPC-LRD as a regional knowledge hub Implement efficient and effective national adaptation strategies (at least 1 country) 3. Existing strategies, planning documents and related processes on land use planning integrate climate change issues, with gender aspects taken into consideration, and the subsequent first steps in implementation carried out TONGA VANUATU 4. Signs at least one contract using international carbon financing instruments on certificates for avoided deforestation FIJI
1. SPC LRD systematically integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation concerns into strategic approach and advisory services Information & communication tools on CC Development of climate change webpage on LRD website & redesign Best practices on CCA & mainstreaming compiled LRD & RMC at Pacific media training on climate change and food security CC monitoring system for LRD thematic teams developed REDD workshop and training Supported climate change experts to Heads of Forestry meeting 2009 Capacity building & support
STRENGTHENING INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION LRD Strategic Output 2.5 National and regional capacity of extension, outreach and information services strengthened REGIONAL LEVEL Supported participation of Media personnel from Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu and SPC to: Climate change media training workshop (2009) PAFPNet meeting (2009) Media Summit (2010) NATIONAL LEVEL Presentation of climate change-related issues in various national events Weekly talk back radio show in Vanuatu Contributing to the joint monthly climate advisory released by Meteo, Vanuatu, in July an advisory for the general public and one for farmers and animal producers was sent out (with onset of La Niña event) COMMUNITY LEVEL Undertaken by multidisciplinary team – Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, Lands, NGO’s Community workshops in Fiji, Vanuatu and Tonga Training of community trainers in ‘Eua, Tonga Pele Island community awareness and training
POLICY LRD Strategic Outputs 2.1 & 2.3 VANUATU FIJI TONGA Output 2.1 Development of sustainable forestry, agriculture and land use plans, policies and legislation supported Output 2.2 Sustainable and appropriate forest, agriculture and land use management practices developed and promoted Development of Vanuatu Forest Policy (with climate change considerations Integrating climate change in the Vanuatu Environment Management and Conservation Act, the Ozone Layer Protection Act, the Waste Operations and Service Act and five corresponding regulations UNFCCC COP15 Fiji REDD preparations & participation CBD REDD expert meeting – Fiji Participation Integration of climate change issues into Tonga Forest Policy (in collaboration with FAO) Review of Fiji Forest Decree – includes REDD/Carbon financing safeguards Development of Fiji REDD Policy
STRATEGIC Development of National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (for the land- based sector) underway in Tonga and Vanuatu Supporting the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategic Action in Tonga and Fiji Fiji REDD Programme Preparations underway for the development of the Fiji REDD Strategy Introductory training on MRV for REDD Historical assessment for forest cover change from 1991 to 2010 in Fiji in progress Forest permanent sample plot measurement and monitoring training (include biomass and biodiversity) End of 2010 - capacity building on forest carbon inventory and monitoring methodology
Land use planning and adaptation technologies IMPLEMENTATION LRD Strategic Output 2.2 Vanuatu Pilot sites Efate: Pele Island and Teouma Espirito Santo: Hasevaia Community Tonga Pilot sites ‘Eua Island: ‘Eua forest area Tongatapu: Nakolo Output 2.2 Sustainable and appropriate forest, agriculture and land use management practices developed and promoted Vulnerability and adaptation assessment focussing on agriculture, forestry and land-use, provision of climate related data and information Promotion of sustainable land management and sustainable agriculture practices as a coping mechanism, including soil amelioration Promotion of sustainable forest management and agroforestry systems Identification and promotion of climate resilient crops, trees, livestock Awareness and training: counterparts and community Participatory planning, gender sensitive http://www.spc.int/lrd/index.php?option=com_content&view=section &layout=blog&id=12&Itemid=19 Land use planning and adaptation technologies Upscaling and replication of best practices from SPC/GTZ Drawa Project and EU/SPC DSAP
VANUATU – Pele Island Pilot Site
TONGA – ‘Eua Island Pilot Site 17.09.2018
Land use mapping & survey 17.09.2018
Establishing forest monitoring plots (FAO MAR methodology) 17.09.2018
2010 2005 17.09.2018
From this… …to this 17.09.2018
SPC/GTZ Regional Programme Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region CCCPIR - Programme extension -
Changes: 4.2 million Euro Timeframe: 2009-2012 Focus on land-based resources Three project countries: Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu SPC main implementation partner
Changes: 4.2 million Euro 14.2 million Euro Timeframe: 2009-2012 Focus on land-based natural resources Three project countries: Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu SPC main implementation partner
Changes: 4.2 million Euro 14.2 million Euro Timeframe: 2009-2015 Focus on land-based natural resources Three project countries: Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu SPC main implementation partner
Changes: 4.2 million Euro 14.2 million Euro Timeframe: 2009-2015 Focus on land-based natural resources, marine resources, tourism, sustainable energy Three project countries: Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu SPC main implementation partner
Changes: 4.2 million Euro 14.2 million Euro Timeframe: 2009-2015 Focus on land-based natural resources, marine resources, tourism, sustainable energy Three project countries: Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, FS Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua Neu Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu SPC main implementation partner
Changes: 4.2 million Euro 14.2 million Euro Timeframe: 2009-2015 Focus on land-based natural resources, marine resources, tourism, sustainable energy Three project countries: Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, FS Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua Neu Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu SPC main implementation partner, stronger cooperation with SPREP
Components Capacity development at regional level SPC, SPREP, SPTO Mainstreaming and developing adaptation strategies 12 PIC Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures including community level 12 PIC Sustainable tourism and climate change Fiji, Palau, Samoa, Vanuatu Sustainable energy management Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Vanuatu and Tonga
Regional Steering Regional steering: Programme adviser with SPC office Pohnpei Strengthen cooperation with SPREP: Programme adviser with SPREP in Apia Institutional attachment: SPC Noumea, CC Coordinator GTZ Programme office: Suva