FEA Career Development Center RESUME WRITING TIPS FEA Career Development Center
Name : Bold and Larger font than the rest of the text Contact details clearly listed (address, telephone number, e-mail address preferably AUB e-mail) and smaller font Name & contact details
Objective Know the purpose of your resume Objective: brief, clear statement targeting the type of position you want Statement should include the skills that enable you to perform the desired job (i.e. To obtain a position in sales utilizing my customer service skills and excellent communications and mathematical abilities) Objective
Since you don’t have a degree yet, mention the title and the estimated date for completion Mention GPA and Honor list if requested Include any certificate and training that is relevant to the job Education
If you never had any real working experience, just include your summer jobs or volunteer work List more recent jobs & then go backward Include dates of employment, job title, company name and location and description of duties performed. Experience
Use action words to make a positive statement (i. e Use action words to make a positive statement (i.e. act, advise, analyze, arrange, assist, build, calculate, check, coordinate, create, develop, edit, ensure, establish, evaluate, examine, execute, facilitate, follow, implement, improve, increase, initiate, inspect, interpret, judge, lead, learn, make, model, modify, motivate, negotiate, observe, organize, perform, plan, prepare, present, produce, program, promote, provide, raise, read, recommend, reduce, resolve, sell, study, supervise, teach, train, translate, travel, tutor, verify…) Experience
Special skills and abilities Cover any other skills and abilities that you want the employer to know Ability in other languages, computing experience (i.e. good interpersonal/communication skills, attention to detail, require little or no supervision) Special skills and abilities
They will be particularly interested in activities where you have leadership or responsibility, or which involve you in relating to others in a team Unless you are 100% sure that some of your hobbies will support you candidacy, avoid mentioning them Team events indicate that you are a team player, other activities such as Scouting, Red Cross, and AUB clubs & societies show commitment and the fact you are not adverse to a challenge Activities
Usually give two names - one from your place of study, and one from any work situation you have had Provide name and telephone number or e-mail address References
Instead of creating a long (and boring) list with all your qualities (e.g., disciplined, creative, problem solver) try to connect them with real life and work experiences Check the job description for a clue on what the employer might be looking for Including professional goals can help you by giving employers an idea of where you are going, and how you want to arrive there Advice
Do not just copy and paste one of the most used resume templates Do not just copy and paste one of the most used resume templates. Your CV should be your own, personal, and a little bit different Font 12 points, Arial and Times are good choices One or 2 pages and the shorter your resume, the better Use bullet points No pictures No lies No jargon or slang: the person who will read it for the first time might not have any technical expertise You resume should not contain the pronouns “I” or “me” Advice