WETLANDS Why Important?
“Wetlands” describes a variety of areas where plants and animals especially suited to wet environments can be found. Wetlands are among the richest and biologically most productive habitats on Earth. Wetlands occur in many forms, including forested swamps, deep and shallow marches, bogs, and prairie potholes. Wetlands habitats have a significant role in the many varied environments they are found.
Did you know???? 1/2 to 2/3 of American wild ducks hatch in the “prairie pothole” region marshes in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa.
Reason #1: Wetlands provide areas for nesting and shelter for not only birds, but also prairie animals. Reason #2: Migratory birds need wetland areas (marshes, ponds, lakes, etc.. to rest and find food during the long flights.
Reason #3: Keeping lakes and rivers clean. Wetlands clean and purify run-off and ground water for use by birds and animals by trapping nutrients, sediment and other pollutants. Sediment (washed away top soil from surrounding farmland) and debris (excess materials from the surroundings) are filtered out by the swamps, bogs, etc.. The pond or marsh balances the pH (acidity) of the water; keeping it normal and healthy for living things.
Reason # 4: Wetlands recharge ground water by providing an area for run-off to pool and seep into deeper under-ground water storage areas and also extend streamflow during low rainfall or drought.
Reason #5: Wetlands prevent flooding of prairie areas by acting like a sponge and soaking up run-off water.
Reason # 6: More than ½ of all adults in the US hunt, fish, bird-watch, or photograph wildlife. These recreational activities are dependent on healthy water habitats. Many of these opportunities benefit both local, state and the national economy.
More information on Wetlands...
Wetlands support about 5,000 plant species, 190 amphibian species, and 1/3 of all bird species.
These bogs, marshes, swamps,etc… provide habitat for about 1/2 the fish on the threatened and endangered species lists in the US. These waters are important spawning and nursery areas for many kinds of fish and shellfish.
Wetland conservation is a very important issue in our country today. Help protect our “prairie potholes”!!