Outbound exchange Johanna Persson International coordinator – outbound students Dean’s Office Faculty of Arts & Sciences Presentation Lite statistik: 300 utresande på Filfak, ungefär lika många som kommer hit Varför utbytesstudier
Application and selection Information sessions Marketing General information Application and selection Information sessions Marketing Outline Partneruniversitet Pengar Intresseanmälan Behörighet och urval Avsluta med sammanfattning och tips
Student finance CSN – The state’s study aid for students 2018-09-17 Student finance CSN – The state’s study aid for students 1/3 grant 2/3 loan (9000 SEK/month, during 10 months/year, maximum 6 years) Erasmus and Nordplus Work Med hjälp av kommandot ”Layout” kan du välja olika utformning på sidan vad gäller placering av rubrik, text och bilder. Linköpings universitet
17 Bachelor programs - Exchange during semester 4 or 5 (6) Utbytesstudier 2018-09-17 17 Bachelor programs - Exchange during semester 4 or 5 (6) 17 Master programmes – in English and Swedish - Exchange during semester 3 (Business law 1 -2) Single subject courses – design your own degree - Optional Utöver detta Varje år har LiU ca 500 Utresande studenter, Filfak 300 och vi tar emot lika många.
Students going abroad 2018-09-17 Linköpings universitet Bachelor Programme in Cognitive Science/Master's Programme in Cognitive Science 2 Bachelor Programme in Commercial and Business Law 22 Bachelor Programme in Commercial and Business Law with focus on Europe - French 17 Bachelor Programme in Commercial and Business Law with focus on Europe - German 8 Bachelor Programme in Culture, Society and Mediaproduction 6 Bachelor Programme in Environmental Science 4 Bachelor programme in Human Resource Management and Work Sciences Bachelor Programme in Information Systems 7 Bachelor Programme in Political Science and Economics 28 Bachelor Programme in Social and Cultural Analysis 3 Business and Economics Programme 57 International Business and Economics Programme - French 31 International Business and Economics Programme - German 27 International Business and Economics Programme - Spanish 32 Master of Science in Psychology Master's Programme in Business Administration - Strategy and Management in International Organisations Master's Programme in Economics 1 Master's Programme in Human Resource Management and Development Master's Programme in International and European Relations Master's Programme in IT and Management Master's Programme in Science for Sustainable Development Single-subject courses Bachelor 11 Single-subject courses Master Totalsumma 284 Linköpings universitet
2018-09-17 Where do they go? Trend de senaste åren: HK, Singapore, South Korea. Less interest in UK. Linköpings universitet
Types of Mobility programmes 2018-09-17 Types of Mobility programmes Bilateral – outside Europe, Switzerland Nordplus - Norek – Nordic partners in the area of Business and Economics Nordplus- Nordlys – Nordic partners in other area of studies Erasmus – All other partners within Europe. Markering
Types of agreements Faculty wide agreements – for everyone 2018-09-17 Types of agreements Faculty wide agreements – for everyone Programme specific agreements Agreements in a specific study area Never by country / region! Visa Utresewebben och informationsprofiler
Marketing Study abroad web - Information profile for each agreement 2018-09-17 Marketing Study abroad web - Information profile for each agreement Information sessions - For each programme General information fair for newcomers Information on the screens on campus No exchange fair since 2012 Utöver detta Varje år har LiU ca 500 Utresande studenter, Filfak 300 och vi tar emot lika många.
Application and selection Utbytesstudier 2018-09-17 Application and selection Application Moveon February 1 for the coming academic year (April 1 and September 10) Eligibility Selection criteria Distribution of places Offer and accept/refuse Visa beslut om behörighet och urval Visa stay wish i Moveon med GPA
After offer Kick –off Nomination and application 2018-09-17 After offer Kick –off Nomination and application Information before leaving (International Office) Safety and crisis Insurance Erasmus Documents Utöver detta Varje år har LiU ca 500 Utresande studenter, Filfak 300 och vi tar emot lika många.
Handling documents MoveOn – starting now! Upload document International Office do the transfer of Erasmus grants to students >>> We share some documents with them. MARKERINGSYTA FÖR BILDER När du gör egna slides, placera bilder och andra illustrationer inom dessa fält. Titta gärna i ”baspresentationen” för exempel på hur placeringen kan göras.