48. Two year Commissary and Post Exchange Privileges Who here enjoys shopping at the exchange? The commissary? Why? Cheaper prices, no tax. I surely enjoy getting groceries at a reasonable price. How many are there? Each table give 2 numbers, how many Navy exchanges are there and how many Commissaries are there. there are 300 Navy Exchanges and 284 commissaries world wide How ever this information clarifies who is entitled to these benefits among those who are involuntarily discharged.
Objectives Explain the purpose of the topic Define who is eligible Review the resources We will be tackling the following objectives:
Purpose Ensure TSM’s are aware of their commissary and exchange benefits post separation This is a benefit, not a service.
Eligibility Members of the National Guard and Reserves Military retirees Medal of Honor recipients Members receiving sole survivorship discharge (Hubbard Act) Hubbard Act insures fair treatment of a member separated by the members request due to being the sole survivor of their family, due to mother, father or siblings served in the Armed Forces being deceased, disease, captured, missing in action, or permanently disabled. These members are eligible to access the exchange and commissary during the 2 year period on the later of the dates of: the date on which they are first notified of entitlement of benefits or date of separation of the member To add, members of the Coast Guard that are involuntarily separated between Oct 1, 2007- December 31, 2018.
Eligibility Honorably discharged veterans with a 100 percent Service-connected disability United States civilian employees of the Department of Defense when stationed overseas; and their dependents
Eligibility Members involuntarily separated from active duty Members involuntarily separated from the selected reserves United States civilian employees of the Department of Defense when stationed overseas; and their dependents involuntarily separated from active duty during the period beginning on October 1, 2007, and ending on December 31, 2018. two-year period beginning on the date of the involuntary separation of the member separated from the Selected Reserve as a result of the exercise of the force shaping authority during the period beginning on October 1, 2007, and ending on December 31, 2018 If members retire and decide to live overseas, they may lose commissary and exchange benefits due to Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) or installation agreement between the U.S. the host nation.
Resources 10 USC Chapter 58 Section 1146 Personnel Office Transition Assistance Office